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Thread: Caddy DSG Woes.. Advice Needed!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Canberra, ACT
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    Exclamation Caddy DSG Woes.. Advice Needed!

    Hey guys,

    Dad's got an 09' Caddy maxi, 1.9lt Diesel 6sp DSG..

    He rung me the other day and was coming home from the city in peak hour, gearbox nice and hot.

    Every time he'd go off from the traffic lights slowly, the van drops into neutral. If he'd go at a reasonable pace, it seemed to be fine. Same goes for round a bouts, going around a round a bout, it would drop into neutral.

    To get it back into gear, he has to shift to park, turn the engine off then on, and back to drive.

    He said when it happened "lots of things flashed on the dash on the red screen" i'm going to presume this was the shift indicator flashing meaning a false neutral.

    The mechanic instantly spat out "oh, your clutches are broken and need replacing". I'm thinking more along the lines of a DSG sensor or maybe even the mechtronics. I want to get the car scanned by VCDS, this should be recording some sort of error right?

    Any advice or guides would be greatly appreciated!

    I Sell Nissans Skodas.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Brisbane, QLD.
    Users Country Flag

    Usually if all gear displays flash on the MFD and car looses reverse (a big sign) then it's clutches. But defiantly scan it with VCDS and/or take it to someone who actually knows what they are doing with DSG.

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