Use an addafuse on an accessory fuse in the fuse box which is usually behind the dash. Meter them out and you will find one that turns off with IGN DONT use ABS or Airbag fuses
I am about to upgrade my turbo to a GTD2872 and just installed a Wagner intercooler on my V6. I want to install a boost and EGT gauge. All of it is pretty easy except the wiring has me a little baffled. I am going to probably install it in the centre tray on the dash so probably use the stereo wiring.
The issue comes with the constant power the amarok has. Or at least the kind of 15 minute timed power. All the cig outlets seem to be constant power. There is a red and a yellow wire for the stereo which both seem to have constant power.
I will use the red for constant power (fused of course), but I am in need of finding an accessory/ignition power and also a light/illumination power. Does anyone know where I can get these from?
Use an addafuse on an accessory fuse in the fuse box which is usually behind the dash. Meter them out and you will find one that turns off with IGN DONT use ABS or Airbag fuses
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
Thanks. What about illumination? I haven't pulled a switch out yet to check yet as this is usually a spot in older cars anyway
I just used the powered wire as you dont notice its lit during the day Why do you need constant power as that will run the battery down a bit and you dont need them on when car isnt being driven do you???? Stereo wires are usually red for memory perm and yellow for power from ACC
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
Thanks, yeh I had planed to use the red and yellow or tap into the cig lighter socket as I don't use it. The illumination was the one but I might just see what it is like once I have it installed.
So got the power and ignition from the fuse box and just used Narva 'add a circuit' with are such a great idea. Illumination if anyone is looking is the yellow/grey stripe wire. Just have to find someone local to weld the EGT bung on now and I am sweet.
By the way, with a tuned V6 I am seeing 31psi peak. Not sure what stock ones run but that is what I have seen so far. Will report in once turbo arrives.
No I don't sorry mate. Will definitely require a remap and hopefully get the gearbox done at the same time to make the most of the upgrade.