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Thread: SD Card slot broken

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Sydney, NSW
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    SD Card slot broken

    Hi all,

    Before I start - I have read a number of posts on the forum from people having issues with their SD card format. This is not my issue, its the actual SD Slot I am having on issue with on my 2015 Amarok. Its a RNS510 I think (it has three buttons not two)

    I have been having issues updating my maps. I am getting an SD Card error every time I put the card into the SD slot. Yesterday I took my Amarok to my local VW Service Centre and they formatted my SD Card with the latest maps and it still displayed the SD Card Error. The Service guy told me it was the actual SD Slot that was causing the issue (it looks fine). My card was fine. He advised me to go to an Auto Electrician and they might be able to replace the SD Slot.

    I am assuming this is going to cost me around $500 by the time you add up parts and labour, so I will be better off upgrading to an Apple Car Play unit. But before I do, I wanted to check to see if anyone else has has a similar issue.

    Has anyone had issues with the SD Slot on their unit? Is there a simple fix? Or is what I have written above my only options?

    Appreciate any help

    Thanks Richard

  2. #2
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    Dup post
    Last edited by Guest001; 07-11-2020 at 05:22 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Is the SD card locked as that will stop it reading sometimes. Not much can damage them so get a torch and see if any crap in there or get the vaccy and hold a rag around the end to make it suck only out of the card slot

    RNS510 usually has 4 buttons down each side ( mine did)

    rns510 pic - Bing images
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    It is common for SD slots and USB ports to stop working because of dust and dirt affecting the contacts. You could try spraying some contact cleaner in the port and using compressed air to blow and dirt out of it. I never leave any port open without a card or stick in the port or there are covers that can protect them as well, Ebay is your friend there or a 3D printer.

  5. #5
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    Thanks, Have tried both with card locked, unlocked and also tried to clean it out with no luck

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