In an attempt to crack Enigma 2.0 (without directly talking to the programming Engineers), thought I would share my DPF observations from research & monitoring the VAGDPF app.
It would be great if any others could share their understanding / observations to compare & confirm DPF function.
- DPF active regen appears to enable via soot mass calculated value 30-32g.
- Requires min 20km continuous driving to complete cycle. (Open road obviously better)
- Once the DPF regen is complete: soot calculated 4-5g soot measured 0-1g
- mg/km value – referenced to the soot mass calculated value.
- Soot mass measured utilizes sensors: dpf differential pressure, pre-dpf EGT, MAF.
- Soot mass calculated: EGT & Lambda sensor
- If soot mass measured is greater than calculated it will override the soot mass calculated (update the value) & enable a regen.
- When driving if EGT > 350C soot mass measured will maintain value or go down as EGT increases (passive burn) however soot mass calculated continues to increase (+ve mg/km value).
- Short trips or cold engine driving will increase soot approx. x4.
- 35g > soot < 40g you get your DPF light. (Go for a scenic drive).
- 40g > soot < 60g you get your glow plug / MIL. (Hope you have a quality scan tool)
- > 60g (Damn $$$$)
Other DPF enable pre req's
- 90C Temp
- > 1/4 tank fuel
- > 60km/hr
Hopefully this helps others if having issues.