Just my 2 cents. I dont have a V6 Amarok, but a 2015 Audi SQ5 TDI which shares a similar V6 engine (3.0 V6 biturbo 230kw 650nm) and ZF 8 speed gearbox, and both cars are from the same era - so id expect some similarities in their behaviours. I have been monitoring my DPF regens for about 5 years and about 60,000km.
My car has no issue initiating a regen when in manual mode. in fact, I drive in manual mode almost 100% of the time because I dont like the lazy shift patterns when left in normal D, and S mode is manic.
Ive never had a passive regen initiate unless the DPF is about 85% full or more, and if/when a passive regen happens it will only be on the freeway (never pottering around town).
I have driven 3-4 hours uninterrupted on the freeway at 115kph with no regen occuring, then I get close to home and pull into a petrol station to fill up and the fans are going like crazy (ie ive interrupted a regen that the car has decided to start once I got close to my destination, instead of doing it during the 3-4 hours on the freeway!!). This behaviour of the car doing a regen when "it wants to" rather than when "I want it to" drove me nuts, so I was very happy when I found a way to manually initiate a regen.
Given you obviously spend a lot of time driving this car around the country, and have had quite a few DPF issues - id highly recommend the few hundred dollars to buy
this dongle and then the $80 or so per year for access to the app on your phone. Using Carista, you can check your soot level and initiate a DPF burn manually. I use this every 400km or so in my car so I can make the regen happen and then I can drive at 80+kph for the 20 mins or so until the process is finished.
Oh....also. A regen will not trigger automatically if:
- any engine fault/emissions fault lights are on the dash
- fuel level is below 1/4
- oil temperature is below 80c
Also.....and this will potentially apply to you because you are towing a heavy caravan around. The regen can be interrupted if the exhaust temperature gets too high. I have had this happen before when doing a regen and I was too vigorous on the throttle and then I noticed the regen stopped when it was only about 1/2 way through the process. I later Googled it and turns out I must have reached a temperature threshold for exhaust temperature and it disabled the regen. So with the extra load you are putting on the vehicle by towing a heavy load + any hills you go up, means that you could be unintentionally and unknowingly exceeding this temperature threshold and causing the regen to stop.