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Thread: Connecting factory reversing camera to RC330 in 2016 Amarok?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    You are on the right track. Multimeter will be fine. I am guessing it is the adapter you have but can't say why. Put car in reverse and test with your meter on the red and to ground and see if you get 12V. Just to be sure, then put it in park and check again. If zero or close to zero volts then you have the right trigger. If you do then your RCA to the camera is faulty or the adapter is faulty. I assume the camera worked previously on the old head unit?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Thread Starter

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinogzav View Post
    You are on the right track. Multimeter will be fine. I am guessing it is the adapter you have but can't say why. Put car in reverse and test with your meter on the red and to ground and see if you get 12V. Just to be sure, then put it in park and check again. If zero or close to zero volts then you have the right trigger. If you do then your RCA to the camera is faulty or the adapter is faulty. I assume the camera worked previously on the old head unit?
    Yes the factory RGB camera worked flawlessly with the original RNS315 head unit. And I've seen video feed from the test camera on the new unit. So really all I should need to be certain of is having the ACC GND AND TRIGGER connected correctly. If I have then yes, I guess the RGB to AV (CVBS) CAN BUS adapter must either be the wrong one or faulty.

    Either way which one then to buy
    2016 Amarok

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