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Thread: Back in an Amarok again ... sob :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    Sunshine Coast
    Users Country Flag

    Unhappy Back in an Amarok again ... sob :(

    My son destroyed my previous Amarok, it was a new one with ARB gear dripping all over. A long sad story there but that's not where I want to go with this post.

    I recently got my hands on what I thought was a good honest 2014 dual cab tray back auto 4WD and as time ticks along I'm fearing I've made a huge mistake.

    New tyres and battery weren't a big surprise, nor the full engine and transmission service, rego was due (but that's not the car's fault) .. but now every engine sensor is progressively crapping out and it's having tail shaft noise issues which also seem to be a bad thing.

    I've scored a pristine 2021 interior (seats, door cards and new canvas covers ready to go in) put 5 nice new wheels and tyres on it and as well as a comprehensive suspension upgrade I've got a ton of audio gear and sound deadening sitting on the floor behind me ready to install. I've already added a 10" Kenwood Halo head unit, Maestro canbus integration, cameras, parking sensors, etc. I'm kinda half pregnant with this thing already!

    Recently I've heard endless old Amarok horror stories but I'd prefer to believe that there's a cost when it comes to maintaining a second hand vehicle and I'll work through these issues and will be able to use and enjoy my old Rok soon..

    Am I being a gullible idiot wasting money thinking the Amarok will come good or am I just getting unduly nervous from comments made by people that often seem to think a Toyota badge is a symbol of worship?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    The question is, what service history does it have, well maintained Amarok’s around 10 years old are great reliable vehicles. Any modern vehicle that has not been looked after will cause you heartache. A well used well maintained vehicle will usually only be wearing parts replaced, tyres, brakes, etc.
    Any sensor can fail at any given time but they are built to last. If it hasn’t had a gearbox and transfer service in the last 80,000 klms it needs one and probably needs all the oils doing.
    Good luck with your new ROK, if the service history is nonexistent or very patchy maybe look at a different vehicle.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    Sunshine Coast
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Service history was good, it was the first thing I checked.

    It's booked in next week for sensor replacements, suspension upgrade and what's probably the tail shaft making a horrible noise.

    Fingers crossed this will be the end of the "first wave" of costs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2020

    Back in an Amarok again ... sob Back in an Amarok again ... sob :(

    Service history can be fantastic, but Vw live in some sort Lala land where they have miracle gearbox and transfer oil that never wears out and is “sealed for life”
    The manufacturer of the zig gearbox however insists that is serviced and oil changed ever 80,000 klms
    If you don’t have a receipt for gearbox, transfer and diffs being serviced, I would strongly recommend that you get it done soon. I don’t think you will get much change out of $5000 if the gearbox needs replacing.
    Just out of curiosity where are you getting your work done? Is it a euro specialist or a workshop that is very experienced working on Amarok’s?
    I can highly recommend Coolum motors if you need a recommendation on a company that specialise on working with Amarok’s.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalko
    Last edited by lloydus67; 10-04-2024 at 09:26 PM.

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