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Thread: Amarok V6 - Ambient temp readings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    South Africa
    Users Country Flag

    Amarok V6 - Ambient temp readings

    Hello All,

    A week or so ago , I went through a very deep puddle , the water level came slightly over my bonnet.

    A few days later I noticed that the ambient temp reading was out of range (some 10-15 degrees higher at times) when in traffic. The temp then dropped when on the open road (above 80kmph). I assumed that the airflow through the cooler and radiator was poor due to sand and dirt. I washed out the cooler and radiator (from outside) as best as i could . The readings for the ambient temp sensor got better however its not reading correct.

    There is a noticeable power drop when the ambient sensor reads high .

    I did notice the following :
    The cowl from the bumper to the intercooler is skew , and not flush to the base of the cooler.

    Is the amarok really this sensitive to a bit of dirty water or am I missing something ? NO water was ingested into the engine, I opened the airbox and checked - its spotless.

    I don't really want to strip the front end and it is an off-road capable vehicle so what next ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Users Country Flag
    You may have damaged the ambient air temp sensor which is behind the front bumper bar. Either you may have damaged it, or it may have debris on it which is giving a false reading.

    If you look carefully, you may be able to see the ambient air temp sensor without having to remove the bumper. Its just a little black plastic piece with an electrical plug going to it.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    If you look into the lower grille just to the right of the license plate you will see the sensor sitting under the crash bar. I reckon you just need to unplug it and spray the connectors with contact cleaner and it will work fine.

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