Hi there,
I'm currently on the lookout for a new pickup and the 'rok caught my eyes. I like it's design,it's car-like features and the fact that it seems to be a good car to cover long distance driving, yet still being able to be a quite good offroader for the weekend overland trips.
I found a few models in my price range, but I'm not sure about a few things.
- What are your real-world average mpg with the Bi-TDI 180 and with the V6 224?
- When was introduced the EA288 into the amarok lineup? I heard some saying 2012, others 2014?
- Is there any known issue with the V6 to look prior buying?
- How much cheaper is the servicing of the Bi-TDI compared to the V6?
- The V6 has a timing chain, right?
Thanks for your time and replies.