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Thread: Amarok lost key

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Users Country Flag

    Amarok lost key

    HI Guys,

    Just want to ask if are there any way to make a copy of my remote key.I lost it last month and I'm using the reserve key and I'm thinking ordering to local dealer of amarok here but it's expensive and I'm just thinking to buy in ebay which I saw that the price is fairly cheap compare to the dealer but I'm just thinking on how to programmed it so that I can make it as another copy.Is there any website where I will know how to reprogrammed it by myself or should I need a local locksmith..?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Maroochydore Queensland
    Users Country Flag
    Hi offroad, I bought a second hand Golf with only one key and had a locksmith on the Sunshine Coast programme a new one to the car with their electronic equipment and it cost $280.00. It has a generic case as opposed to one with a VW Logo but it works perfectly in every respect. Winston Locksmiths at Currimundi ;but any locksmith should be able to do it. Mr Minit quoted $350. Cheers-John

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Thank you Suncoaster,appreciated..

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