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Thread: Amarok diesel problem

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Brogo NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    traded the rok last friday, lost confidence in this vehicle, dealership is going to replace the larger turbo, approx $3.2k plus fitting. I'm sure they will cover that in the resale retail price. This was an early build model 12/2010 so I couldn't justify sinking anymore hard earned into it. good luck to all the other owners of early build models!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Fernvale Qld
    Users Country Flag
    Hi Andrew55
    I am suffering from very similar symptoms, different fault code but equally irrelevant. Similar to EDI25 I go into limp mode at higher power levels, turn off engine and restart and its OK until the same conditions arise. I get a P087 low fuel pressure, tried a new pressure reg valve, no change, so took it to dealers. They got 20 grains of sand out of the bottom of the filter (had just come back from Canning Stock Route so hardly surprising), concluded "dirty fuel", their remedy is "we start at the tank and replace fuel components until the problem goes away". I figured I could do that at a fraction of the price, so tested the pressurising (lift) pump every which way and ok, replaced high pressure pump, pressure sensor all no change. It could not possibly be the injectors, any fault there would cause misfiring, spluttering etc, no sign of that in the slightest. Very detailed analysis of datalogs indicate the accelerator pedal going to idle setting approx 100msec before the fuel pressure shutdown, implying a fault there. So replaced accelerator pedal sensor, again no change, so now I am also stuffed for an answer, I have no faith in VW to find this, my evaluation is as per your experience, they just replace something and hope. It would appear that in your case having had the vehicle for 3 weeks they are also stuffed for an answer.

    My evaluation of the fault code is that the fuel pressure control loop is tuned for the rate of change the pedal can produce, with a fault in the signal giving a very fast change, the control loop cannot respond fast enough and the overshoot causes pressure to go outside the tolerance and generate the fault code. Classic symptom in testing all this is that with the engine NOT running, I can put the ECU into limp mode by stroking the accelerator pedal, at 53% it triggers limp mode, but only starting from idle position. If the pedal is partly held down during the reset, then it does not happen, until position goes below 17% (idle is 14.5%).

    If somone can make sense of this I would love to hear from you. Please........ Might try Darkhorse's technique, replace wiring. I am certainly grasping at straws by now.

  3. #13
    I’ve had the same issue, replace all the vacuum lines from the turbo to the vacuum solenoids, they get old an bleed air.. easy fixAmarok diesel problem

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    I had a similar issue. It was the DPF. I spoke with VW about it (it had 1000km on the clock) and was told it was a driver profile error!!

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