I’ve had a look around and can’t find anything similar. I’ve recently bought a higher KM 2014 Amarok highline (Auto 4motion). It’s been trouble free except one weird thing it’s started doing. When I’m slowing down (eg approaching a speed bump or intersection) it sometimes much a clunking rattle sound that appears to be coming from the rear end. It’s really strange because it’s intermittent and that also makes it hard to figure out what triggers it to happen. It’s kind of a mix between a clunk and a rattle. From what I can figure out it SEEMS to be if I’ve applied the brakes to slow down and then let the brakes off and am just slowly coasting into a round about etc. When I accelerate it stops and if I come to a complete stop it doesn’t continue. I’m by no stretch a mechanic but I am reasonably savvy on the tools so if someone could point me in the direction or where to start looking to diagnose that would be muchly appreciated!