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Thread: Amarok 2014 CSHA thermostat replacing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2022
    eastern shore of Te Whanganui a Tara

    Amarok 2014 CSHA thermostat replacing

    Hi all
    After my newbie post this will be my first post on the forum.
    I used to be on the AusAmarok forum but that disappeared
    My 2014 Amarok with CSHA engine 183000kms has a faulty thermostat which has luckily jammed open.
    I noticed it was not heating up as quick as it used to and going downhill the temp gauge would drop then climb back to 90 underload.
    I have purchased a thermostat and the o-ring for the plastic pipe thats should be replaced so am ready to do the job.
    I have a decent jack and axle stands and far too many tools.
    The only other problem I have in the 5 years I have owned it was the EGR cooler blocked so I removed it and cleaned it.
    There is little info out there about replacing the t-stat and all I can find is people complaining about how long it takes and how much you have to do. Whatever it needs to be done.
    Does anyone have any info they can share about how to best do this job, I do know it will take at least 4 hours and I need to remove half the accessories on the left side of the engine.
    Thanks Adrian

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    eastern shore of Te Whanganui a Tara
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    As no one else seems to have done this I will post my thoughts on the job I did today.
    It has to be one of the worst jobs I have undertaken on one of my cars.
    The WSM state to support the engine across the guards and undo the lh engine mount from the engine.
    I could not do that as I do not have engine support gear so followed another path.
    Following the WSM removed the bash plate and popped hoses to drain the coolant.
    Next it was to disconnect all the air and water hoses on the left engine side and remove the throttle body.
    At that point I did not have the tool to remove the hose clips so was using a set of vice grips, I managed to get the proper tool for the rebuild. Removing those hose clips and the pipes was a right job but I persevered.
    I tried to remove the alternator to give me more room around the thermostat, undoing the 2 bolts was no trouble but the alternator would not move and yes I did let the belt go.
    Removing the oil filter housing and cooler was next up and finding the 4th bolt was a bit tricky but it popped off and this uncovered a bolt that needed to be released to allow enough movement of the pipe that fits into the t/stat with an o-ring. (this o-ring neds to be ordered
    separately to the filter). This let a nice mix of oil and water drop on the garage floor, no matter where you position oil trays they miss.
    Removing the old t/stat needed a bit of force but it came off with a pop.
    I did use rubber grease on all couplings and seals to make life easier and as stated before I managed to get the proper tool for reinstalling the hose clips, Supercheap came to the rescue with a Toledo brand one.
    Refitting is a reverse of the removal but make sure you replace the o-ring in the pipe as it might look ok and probably will be ok but after spending 9 hours doing this job it is not one I want to revisit, EVER!
    Tomorrow I will replace the drained coolant and do an oil and filter change.
    Fingers crossed this was the problem with the car.

    To anyone who follows what I have done make sure you leave a day to do the job and your workshop has decent lighting.
    My Amarok fits in the workshop with 3ft to the bench at the end but plenty of space on the sides to work.
    There is another car and motorbike in the shed as well.


  3. #3
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    Sounds like a bit of a prick of a job, it seems the engineers like to make things difficult for no good reason so that the home mechanic is scared off and takes it to VW to do the job.

    Good on you for persevering and getting the job done.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2022
    eastern shore of Te Whanganui a Tara
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    Had to remove the thermostat again as it was leaking.
    It turned out I had nipped the o-ring seal in 2 places when pressing it into the block.
    Second time around it was a lot easy and less stressful job.
    Also replaced the oil filter housing to block seal and oil filter housing to oil cooler seals as they had to be removed to get the thermostat off.
    And I put the oil cooler in the ultrasonic cleaner for 12 hours to make sure it was all clear of whatever crud builds up over 8 years and 186000kms
    Fingers crossed it hasnt happened this time but I will leave the bash plate off for a wee while so I can check for leaks, no off roading then.
    Last edited by ahebron; 27-07-2022 at 06:11 PM.

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