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Thread: 2019 V6 Amarok A/c not working

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    2019 V6 Amarok A/c not working

    2019 sportline amarok - so has climate control
    A/c was working fine one day, not the next. Fan etc etc appear to work correctly.
    Took it to local auto elec - checked refrigerant was correct amount, and pressure, and said everything they could measure was correct - but for some reason the compressor wont come on (they think compressor is ok ...???). Their autel scanner wouldnt let them go any deeper into the vw system, so recommended to go to dealer.
    Dropped through a friends workshop (also with an autel scanner), couldnt see any issues with their checks.

    Went to dealer - 2-3week wait, just to diagnose, then whatever time plus wait to rebook for repair.
    Ok - whatever I guess.

    Once I got home - it sounded like a rattly bearing (around the a/c compressor location). Rang dealer and asked what should I do with the 2-3 week wait, as I dont want it causing more issues (ie compressor locking up, detroy belt and cook the engine!). She didnt sound interested and was no help, after pleading about not wanting to cause more issues - eventually said she would get the main tech to call me back - surprise surprise - no call back.

    Any thoughts/comments on the issue (I already know the dealership is a joke, but.........)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2020

    Compressor pulley failure, check if it turns both directions. It should only go 1 way. How many klms on the car? You may need to replace other pulleys as well, check them for play in the bearings. If you change the idler or tensioner pulleys the bolt is a 1 time use bolt and will need a new one, otherwise it will snap when you don’t want it to.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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