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Thread: this will be interesting...

  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Jones View Post
    Fastest? That's an ambitious goal.

    What sort of fastest?
    Salt flat, top speed?
    1/4 mile?
    Circuit lap times?

    All cool, but very different setups, just curious which title you're gunning for?

    A couple of things I've found out along the way which may be interesting to you.

    Mk1 aero stops working at speeds over 200km/h and they turn into an aeroplane. I'm still trying to figure out how to fix that.

    It's hard to get heat into big tyres with such a light car.

    On a race (circuit) track you might not get any benefit from 285s they'd never get hot enough to start working. Adds a fair bit of unsprung weight too with the big wheels.

    It takes about 2 laps to get 245's on 8" wheels up to temp in my 800kg Golf.

    Street or strip applications will be different.

    ET0 will be about right for 10's under berg cup arches, you'll have to pick/modify the arches carefully though, some aren't as wide as you'd imagine. Lots of measuring required.

    15 x 8 ET0 rubs a little on the lips with the arches I got from the UK. Most cup arches seem best suited to 13" wheels.

    60l of fuel is a lot of weight to carry around. It is useful for ballast though. I run a full 40L tank on wet days, but run about 20L on dry days.

    Good gearboxes cost more than good motors.

    Remember that people have been making these things go fast since well before the internet. Books and talking to the older generations of modders can be really insightful. Pretty much everything has been figured out with these over the years.

    Sing out if you need any pointers on where to source things.

    Good luck with the project, always good to see more fast MK1s being built in Aus.


    Well I'm going for all round really, I don't find straight line racing my thing (unless it's blowing of supercars on the street )

    Thanks for the help which tyre sizing though! Haven't thought that far yet haha still at aero/body phases in the build!

    60l is alot, but I'm aiming to have this car regod ( full engineer etc + plus the rest ) so I want to be able to go for a decent distance drive without having to take jerry cans or fill up ever 100kms!

    Yeh I've been looking into sequential boxes, and yeh around 8-10 grand for a average one I've been told so far!

    Thanks for the help, I'm sure I'll ask you a few things along the way!

    My pop use to race minis back in the day so he knows a thing or too and most of my family are petrol heads you could say!

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  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by sports racer View Post
    Good to hear you've thought a lot of this through and know which direction you want to go. Definitely a thread to keep watching.


    Thanks paul, I've done one "slap up engine swap and suspension" and from that revised the way I'll go around things especially the crucial part NOT RUSHING hah

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  3. #53
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    I didn't really want to get into this conversation but its going to be hard and very expensive to have the 'fastest' in Australia that's also street legal.. Fwd is also going to be hard getting all the power you want to the ground. So many factors to dial in but i wish you all the luck with your plans and dreams, are you a apprentice and p plater? Going to take a while!
    Its the little things..

  4. #54
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    It won't be street legal on 10's though haha
    2019 132TSI Tiguan
    2011 Audi S4 Wagon
    1988 MK1 Caddy
    2006 Polo GTI

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dubstein View Post
    I didn't really want to get into this conversation but its going to be hard and very expensive to have the 'fastest' in Australia that's also street legal.. Fwd is also going to be hard getting all the power you want to the ground. So many factors to dial in but i wish you all the luck with your plans and dreams, are you a apprentice and p plater? Going to take a while!

    Not exactly that hard to have the fastest mk1 in Australia, if you know what to buy, what to do etc also it's a "aim" if I don't have the fast car so be it? I'll still be happy with the end result

    street legal is also not hard if you do everything right, I know of someone who owns a 9 second Mazda rx2 with a parachute and wheels bar that is road legal

    Yeh I know about the "problems with fwd and everyone's debate but.. Many people outside of Australia can get plenty of power on the front wheels with they're known knowledge

    Yeh I am a apprentice but I don't exactly have your average $400/week electrical apprenticeship, I have plenty of time, live at home, have nearly paid of my daily so a cool $1000 a week is a good packet to save + necessities hah

    I don't aim to have the car done by next year also, I want ever intricate detail perfect and if that takes time then so be it

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  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightphotographer View Post

    It won't be street legal on 10's though haha

    Hahah nah I had 10" on my mk5 I'll be right

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  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by nick_mk1 View Post
    a cool $1000 a week is a good packet to save + necessities hah
    Don't get married. Don't get married. Don't get married.

  8. #58
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    ^ Hahaha

    All the best dude, will be an interesting build to follow over the years anyway. Sorry if it i came off abit cynical but I've just know alot of people who make these huge type 'plans' to than realize it is to much work/money or simply just unrealistic. Ill be optimistic next post
    Its the little things..

  9. #59
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    Yeh I know
    Haha not in a rush to make it happen over night which most people think when they jump into car builds longer it takes generally more quality and key to detail

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  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by sports racer View Post
    Don't get married. Don't get married. Don't get married.
    Way too young for that.. Only 19 hahahah

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