The VIN is put by the manufacturer in Germany or when the vehicle is manufacturer.
The VIN plate in placed usually when the vehicle comes to Australia.
Hence, VIN and VIN plate are two separate items.
The VIN is stamped into the body under the rain cover and usually other 'secret places'. The VIN plate (ie compliance plate) is on the left suspension tower.
The VIN identifies the vehicle. The VIN plate just means VW complianced the vehicles to Australian Design Rules at month/year the VIN plate was fitted. There is also usually a 'build date' plate next to the compliance plate. The month/year it was built is here and is usually a few months before the compliance plate month/year.
Don't worry if a compliance plate is not fitted as vehicles without compliance plates can be registered - as least in NSW. Previous registration history helps solve any issues. The registering Authority just needs toinsure it is registering the correct vehicle, not a rebirth (eg stolen of written off vehicle).