I tried all brand's of 98. With K-Jet you can definately tell the difference due to being so sensative & also with the timing alittle advanced.
The most consistant was Mobil Synergy 8000 from a large servo with heaps of traffic. On trips would nearly alway's get an extra 20-50k's out of a tank & performed much more smoothly.
Shell was next.
Regular unleaded was a big no no for my engine. Coughed , farted & s$^t itself everytime.
Cheers, Benny
BP ultimate but of thats all we get down here in tassie and she loves it
V power is 98.6 octane sometimes higher
shell 95 octane is usually 96.5
Shell R is Vpower with 5 % ethanol to give 100 octane
In Sydney Mobil and Caltex are the same fuel
Mobils 98 is 98.0 allways . Its never over
There 95 is 95.0
There standard is 91
To see the benefits of 98 octane you usually need a high compression engine with EFI as the knock sensor sets the advance. On a standard compression engine there is not a lot of difference.
as far as I know Vpower has the highest energy density as well.
If you need a higher octane than 100 you can mix in toullene ( I think I spelt it right)