So my mate came round on the weekend and we sorted out the fuel pump wiring (now chunky 20A instead of the paltry 10A that was there before and couldn't really cope with the lovely Australian weather).
We also put the original fuel pump back in, and cleaned all the crap out of the gauze that got in there when he ran the tank dry bringing the car down to mine originally.
On the down side, the banjo fitting connecting the fuel line to the end of the pump was a bit rusty and we kind of need a new one now.
So, the car is up on a 30 degree angle until I can source a new one as we didn't manage to get all the petrol out of the tank before starting.
Not sure whether i'm going to be able to source one locally, or have to get the parents to trawl a wreckers yard in the UK for one, or get one made up - anyone got any bright ideas?
Photos here: