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Thread: Weigh Bridge....

  1. #1

    Weigh Bridge....

    So my car is not registered. I thought since my car sits around too much it would be nice to be able to legally drive it here. The government here is simply awful.

    Here are the things I need or had to get so far:

    1. Green slip. That's liability insurance I think. Was a simple call made to NRMA.

    2. Weigh Bridge report They wanted to weigh my car. BTW My Rabbit weighs .94 Tons. I would bet my Rabbit weighs more than the Golf due to the USA crash spec bumpers and A/C)

    3. An engineering report I'm not sure why they need this (or the weight report for that matter). They said it was due to the turbo which I took off in order to get my Rabbit imported . Don't know where to get one, looking into that now. The good new is that I don't have to convert the steering to RHD.

    4. VIA Report You have to get an Vehicle import approval from the government. That is no guarantee that you will be able to get the car registered. I had this already from the move.

    5. Blue Slip Report I'm assuming that this is some sort of safety inspection? Lights, horn, brakes, etc etc... This is easy and can be done by most local garages.

    6. Car Club Membership I have to join a car club. They told me this is due to the fact that in Australia any car that is pre-1989 is an antique. Therefore it is required in order to get a license plate. This should be easy enough. I joined Club VeeDub. Am I in trouble here now?

    7. Collision Insurance This is done separately here in Australia. Easy enough and cheap.

    8. Car transport Form You have to get a from from Road and Transport Authority to drive your car around to get the above items. I did not do this. I just took the risk.

    9. License Plates I assume that once all of the above is done that I'm able to get some plates. I don't know here to go to get one or if I can order a customized one. Yellow plates would be ugly on my car.

    Here is the crazy thing since the government loves to make you jump through hoops. I don't have to have a driver's license! I did get one and it cost $600. I did not have to take any test at all. My license from the USA is accepted here. Even all of the certifications (motorcycle, Chauffers, Meduim Truck, Heavy Truck, Bus, Tow Truck) all were accepted. The only thing I'm not allowed to drive is Double Trailer. I can't even drive on the correct side of the road but the government will let me drive an 18 wheeler?!?! WTF!

    You all need to throw off the evil monarchy. Get that Queen off of your currency. I take it as a personal affront to have to use currency with the Queen on it. As an American feel free to ask me; I can show you how. We did it a few hundred years ago.

    Oh yeah.... I just want to say that I'm sorry about Donald Trump. Cant' say that enough... I'm sorry. Americans have gone crazy... Aaaaaaaaannnnnd they are heavily armed. Great big guns...... Little tiny brains.... (That is the lyrics to a country song.)

    Last edited by Thomasfranklinfranklin; 29-09-2016 at 04:55 PM.

  2. #2
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    Lucky you didnt have an accident whist driving it unregistered Would cost more than its worth.

    You do have to get a drivers licence as your overseas one has a time of expiry as here

    Moving to NSW

    If you’re moving to NSW from another part of Australia or another country, you’ll need to get a NSW driver or rider licence. You can use your existing licence for up to three months, but after that you must have a NSW licence.

    International drivers and riders

    If you’re a permanent Australian resident, or hold a permanent visa under the Commonwealth Migration Act 1958, and you intend to stay in NSW, you are not considered to be a visitor. As such, you are allowed to drive in NSW on a current overseas licence for a maximum of three months. After that, you will need to apply for a NSW licence to continue driving or riding.

    If you dont like our currency, too bad, you came here voluntarily so deal with it.

    I think most of us would prefer to live here. A much less chance of getting shot by the cops for starters Once you have done all of the above you then have to register it to get the plates. Another charge by our henious government. Oh dear what a country. May have been better to stay home if its so bad

    Maybe you are being sarcastic Maybe not.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Lucky you didnt have an accident whist driving it unregistered Would cost more than its worth.

    You do have to get a drivers licence as your overseas one has a time of expiry as here

    Moving to NSW

    If you’re moving to NSW from another part of Australia or another country, you’ll need to get a NSW driver or rider licence. You can use your existing licence for up to three months, but after that you must have a NSW licence.

    International drivers and riders

    If you’re a permanent Australian resident, or hold a permanent visa under the Commonwealth Migration Act 1958, and you intend to stay in NSW, you are not considered to be a visitor. As such, you are allowed to drive in NSW on a current overseas licence for a maximum of three months. After that, you will need to apply for a NSW licence to continue driving or riding.

    If you dont like our currency, too bad, you came here voluntarily so deal with it.

    I think most of us would prefer to live here. A much less chance of getting shot by the cops for starters Once you have done all of the above you then have to register it to get the plates. Another charge by our henious government. Oh dear what a country. May have been better to stay home if its so bad

    Maybe you are being sarcastic Maybe not.
    Wow.... was not looking to start a fight. My post was meant to be funny. Not looking for a debate on what's better. Everything has it's ups and downs.

    Australia has changed their laws recently. I went to the driver's license place and they told me that I can drive on my USA driver's license now until it expires. They even hinted that I should as I would not have to worry about points. It is much harder to get a car registered here.

    I really do believe that America has gone off the deep end into certifiable crazy. When the rest of the world is saying "WTF!" perhaps it's time to make some changes.

  4. #4
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    I quoted the regulation From the NSW licencing website What you get told in some places is not necessarily correct I spoke to 3 people at Centrelink once and got told 3 different answers. None of them were correct and one person was the area manager .
    The laws reagrding licencing is not an Australian law it is a STATE law and differs depending on which one you are in as in NSW here

    Driver licence - Licence - Roads - Roads and Maritime Services

    It is normal to drive a bus or a passenger vehicle you have to get a passenger endorsement and that involves a police check
    I am not an Aussie and have been through the hoops and had to get one from my country of origin before I could drive a passenger vehicle.

    An emoticon or two can convey humour if your text doesnt seem to.
    Last edited by Guest001; 29-09-2016 at 09:30 PM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  5. #5
    Driving with an overseas licence |

    Here is the link to the new information. You can use it from the USA as long as its current.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thomasfranklinfranklin View Post
    Driving with an overseas licence |

    Here is the link to the new information. You can use it from the USA as long as its current.
    I don't read that as you do.

    If you live here permanently, you have 3 months to get an Australian licence from the State you live in. I came from the UK and TBH it's a Royal pain in the arse not having one. I hate it but every man and his dog expects you to have one for id.

    I can't see you being able to register a car here in your name without one.

    Yes, you can probably blag your way driving cars that are registered in other peoples names on your US DL but eventually it will catch up with you.

    Gavin, the reluctant conformer

    International drivers and riders

    If you’re a permanent Australian resident, or hold a permanent visa under the Commonwealth Migration Act 1958, and you intend to stay in NSW, you are not considered to be a visitor. As such, you are allowed to drive in NSW on a current overseas licence for a maximum of three months. After that, you will need to apply for a NSW licence to continue driving or riding.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thomasfranklinfranklin View Post
    Driving with an overseas licence |

    Here is the link to the new information. You can use it from the USA as long as its current.

    Thats for visitors and isnt new.

    Then you must go to the NSW page and it all changes As it seems you have moved here to live as witnessed by importing your car etc a visitor licence no longer applies.
    Once you have a permanent address in a state, any state and you pay utilities or insurance etc you have a certain time to get a licence in that state
    EG you move from NSW to QLD and buy a house and live in QLD You have 14 days to change registration over to QLD and 3 months to change licence to QLD. If you dont and have an accident you will be unregistered, unlicenced and UNINSURED.

    Read the words here Moving to NSW - Licence - Roads - Roads and Maritime Services

    You can register a car without a licence but not drive it.

    If you get caught on an overseas licence that wont stop the fines etc, they will just make them bigger and maybe add unlicenced and uninsured on as well.

    You should also read the rules here Historic Registration - Club VeeDub

    You have to be a member for 12 months before applying for rego and when you get it you can only use it to go to Club events or take the car for servicing. YOU CANT USE IT AS A DAILY DRIVE You also have to keep a log book.

    Terrible country isnt it.
    Last edited by Guest001; 30-09-2016 at 08:53 AM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  8. #8
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    Find a sympathetic engineer (watch out, there are some a$$holes around) who can help you go through all the crap required and get it registered. You only have to do it once and the reward justifies the effort.



  9. #9
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    Might have missed this.

    Where are you located?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaydEn View Post
    Might have missed this.

    Where are you located?
    His location says Sydney
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

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