Well, its 4 times I've had the gearbox out now since the engine swap - needless to say I'm getting pretty damned good at it and also pretty damned sick of it.
Anyway, finally its running smoothly and once the flywheel and pressure plate are bedded in the clutch should hold too.
While I had the gearbox out, I took the oportuninty to do a few other things in aid of the upcoming supersprint. First, I swapped out the standard master cylinder for a later model 22mm one and associated booster. Also, I replaced the steering rack mounts with new red poly mounts (wow what a difference that makes!) and put a new (adjutstable) tie rod on the passenger side.
Tomorrow morning I have a 5 speed shift linkage kit to go in to make it "good as new". Basically, I'm just concentrating on replacing and refreshing things to make it reliable as opposed to fast for the supersprint - if I can go out and run it all day I'll be more than happy