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Thread: TIPS on removal of Window seals/chrome of doors

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    TIPS on removal of Window seals/chrome of doors

    Hi Guys,

    As i mentioned im after some seals, how ever i am trying to retain the seals and chrome around my door windows. I need to remove all glass and seals/chrome to paint. Am really worried about damaging them on removal, as this is all a learning experience for me.

    Does anyone have any tips on removing these so they can be reused?

    Any help/ideas is much appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Users Country Flag
    seals and chrome inserts need to be removed together(unless you have the special tool to remove it), i usually start at the corner of a window(from the inside of corse) and try to get enough flex to get the inner lip out and then work around the window. old chrome insert gets very brittle so saving that may be a challenge, if you are willing to sacrifice the chrome insert ypu can brake it up and pull it out and it makes the window removal easier(as it gives you a little play)

    slow and steady is key and a little flat blade helps

    Quote Originally Posted by Preen59 View Post
    I would have gotten wood from the picture message you sent me.. But I was sniffing Nitro, so i already had it. Hahaha.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
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    Thanks Dubstar,
    Does thats how i removed windscreen sides etc. The doors tho have those chrome alloys edges around the seals, im worried abotu bending them to get them out, hence not being able to reuse them.

    Any tips on those?

  4. #4
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    the doors are different they wrap around the doors and the rubber goes on top , so you pull your window scraper out and the top rubber and them remove them, you also need to take out the fixed window and rubber to remove it without damaging it, there is one srew at the top of the channel(between the window and the little window) and a rivet that needs to be drilled out (or a screw if the window has been removed before)which is at the bottom of where the channel is behind the door card you need to pull the window backwards and twist it ninety degrees (easiest outwards from memory

    Quote Originally Posted by Preen59 View Post
    I would have gotten wood from the picture message you sent me.. But I was sniffing Nitro, so i already had it. Hahaha.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Adelaide South Australia
    I have done this job around '86 after my car had been vandalized, so a long time ago. I found it very time consuming, had stuff everywhere when finished, but not too difficult. The most difficult thing I remember is starting the small screw at the top of the front doors that dubstarmk2 refers to.You may need to apply some detergent or other lubricant to the vent rubber to allow the frame to be pushed forward enough to align the screw with the hole. I removed all door cards, glass etc. and basically worked in the reverse of the way it was originally assembled. You are right in being concerned about bending the aluminium trim. In a word, don't.Take your time in looking at things & remove carefully. Hope this info helps.

  6. #6
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    Thanks guys, will be looking at this early next week! At the moment engine is out and being cleaned up alond witht he bay, i swear there is 30 years of grease and crap in there!

    Will be sure to let you know how i go! Thanks again.

    Are there any what not to do?


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