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Thread: Timing Belt Jumped a tooth

  1. #1
    GolfED Guest

    Timing Belt Jumped a tooth

    Hi all,

    Ok so bad day for my 1990 Mk1 cabriolet. My timing belt jumped a tooth and the adjustable cam gear was advanced 5 degree. Is there a chance that the a piston might have nipped a valve or would the clearances be ok? I haven’t re-aligned the timing but No.4 cylinder’s compression is right down any advise would be greatly appreciated, i guess i want to know before i start whether this is going to be a very expensive mistake or easy fix!

    Thanks Ed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    If it were my car, I'd be setting it to factory. Then check it out again. How far down is the compression on the bad pot? Could be a burnt valve, damaged seat and nothing to do with the belt jumping.

    Back in the Uk I wouldn't have hesitated to pull the head of for a look see. Gasket kit for about 30 quid and valves for 5 quid each. It would be a no brainer and it could be all back together with new guides as well for less than 200 all up.

    Not sure that it would be quite so easy to do over here though.

    Still think more time spent on diagnosis, would be worth it.

  3. #3
    GolfED Guest

    Thanks for the response and sorry I didn’t reply sooner. I set everything back to factory as you suggested and statically set the timing, it’s running fine now so i think it’s all good.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Users Country Flag

    As far as i know Golf 8v's dont bang cylinders in to valves. I think i read that on VWvortex.
    MK1 GLS 3door
    A4 B7 2.0T


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