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Thread: Timing Belt help

  1. #1
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    Timing Belt help

    First of all, read the Haynes Manual, and browsed for hour or so on here...

    Problem is, i had to replace a cracked camshaft wheel on my spare 1.8L.
    now ive aligned the camwheel line to the rocker cover as said in manual. have aligned the v notch on crank to the dot on the itermediate shaft wheel.

    Now this is the tricky bit, when i go to tension the belt the crank and the other wheel move out of alignment.

    Any tips on how to stop this? if i manage to get it one tooth out, what will happen? im guessing all this has to be spot on?

    Ahwell, back off to read some more,
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  2. #2
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    the tensioner 'adjusts' the belt on the back side of the engine. go out and have a look and you'll see that on the front side of the engine, the timing belt goes stright from the crank pulley to the cam pulley. make sure they're lined up (in terms of the 'tooths' and then tighten. That should keep the notch's all lined up.

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  3. #3
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    It doesnt matter if the intermediate shaft is not lined up, as you can correct it by moving the dissy.

    The top and the bottom should be set with a taught belt between bottom and top and the tensioner adjusted on the slack side.
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  4. #4
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    ahhk, will give it a shot.

    so, put belt on ant make sure its not a tooth out, make sure its on TDC and adjust dizzy in a manner to make it facing #1 cylinder

    Too easy..
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  5. #5
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    Ok im stumped.

    If i line up the crank pulley with the other pully, then line up the cam pulley. when i go to put belt on, the came pully is out and the belt dont go on. if i turn it slightly it will but then the cam line is not lined up.

    how do you guys do it? i know i dont need to line up the other pulley cause you can move dizzy to correct the TDC poistion thingy.

    How do you line up the crank? i got the clutch and flywheel back on. far as i can i got it on right, timing marks should be same side as the notch on crank pulley yes?other wise it would be out by like 90 degrees

    Anyway, help be good.
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  6. #6
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    spent an hour outside on engine today, and i dunno if i can get it right.

    First of all do i line the camshaft wheel level with the head? or the tappet cover?
    If its tappet cover, ignore rest of post. if its the Head. continue

    Ive got camshaft lined up, then got crank, then got other shaft lined up. got belt on and hey it worked. rotated crank twice and now marks are slightly off.

    Also, included pic of the flywheel as it sits when the crank pulley is lined up to the other shaft. How do i check to make sure its fine from the flywheel end? Manual is making no sence to me :S

    Edit, that flywheel and clutch is off a different 1.8L. will this affect anything? it looks same as one that came off this motor. (besides one on it now being a much better clutch)
    Last edited by GRN_VAGN; 09-12-2009 at 04:21 PM. Reason: missed something
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Did you end up getting this sorted?

    I've got the same problem- I replaced the timing belt, and lined everything up according to the manual (mark on cam sprocket with top of tappet cover, mark on intermediate sprocket with notch on crank pulley) but it won't fire.

    How did you solve it in the end?

  8. #8
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    Solved it by putting box on, and making sure its lined up to the flywheel aswell.
    Engine still on shed floor so i dunno if it runs yet
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by hessiethecrab View Post
    Did you end up getting this sorted?

    I've got the same problem- I replaced the timing belt, and lined everything up according to the manual (mark on cam sprocket with top of tappet cover, mark on intermediate sprocket with notch on crank pulley) but it won't fire.

    How did you solve it in the end?
    Are you saying there is no spark?

    If so that's nothing to do with timing, it'll spark at some point if the engine is rotating. Whether it is close enough to get the motor to run is something else.

    Are you on points or electronic ignition?


  10. #10
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    It's sparking as far as I know (which isn't very). I just meant the engine won't start. It's on points, not electronic.

    With all the timing marks aligned, I've noticed that the distributor is not pointing to the cylinder 1 TDC mark on the housing. It's out by 20deg.

    I don't know why this would be, and am hesitant to just rotate the dizzy housing as I'm already a bit out of my depth with this.


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