i feel your frustration mate that is pretty darn harsh IMO. And i don't think your fussing over nothing haha. Bit rude peoples reactions to this thread actually.. but whatevs..
I drive a big low and old school Merc as a daily, and i was pulled over for random car inspections 8 times whilst displaying my P plates.. Got all my gear out of the boat on my way to band practice one day to check my spare... so i was stuck in the middle of the west tamar highway with my gibson les paul, pedals and orange stack being hauled out of my boot by some tiny 50kg chick cop.. she doesn't know how maticulous my dad is with his cars.. hahaha couldn't see anything wrong other than apparently nnumber plates aren't allowed to have those plastic frames?? $130 fine apparently.. i got a warning for that hahaha she even checked my 13 y.o brothers (passenger at the time) school ID.... WHAT THE HECK WOMAN! Hahahaha!!
My fiance's dad was a cop for 16 years and is happy to admit that some officers he knew of would look for younger guys driving older cars and pull them over for inspection, cause 99% of the time they'd nip someone!
Oh and for the record, i love cops! Uncle was a cop for 37 years.. fiances dad.... fiances uncle is a big head honcho in NSW PD. Just saying some can be real A holes.
I feel your pain!
PS- dear everyone, get off your soap boxes.. haha
2012 Ford Focus - Panther Black
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