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Thread: Starting problem...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
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    If i can even get a picture of the starter motor/wires i'd be soooo appreciative. I'm going mad!!! this is really starting to tick me off.
    2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Drew I'm new to the Mk1 game but what you're having difficulty with sounds similar to my issues before I got my car running. Mine had a push button starter - you'd switch ignition on, hold the button to engage the starter motor, and then let it off once the car was running. I didn't realise that it was wired this way until I looked at the wiring again. Is it possible that you've somehow wired the starter to turn over constantly with power connected? Is there an additional cable coming from around the starter somewhere?
    My Mk1 Project

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by madglf3 View Post
    Drew I'm new to the Mk1 game but what you're having difficulty with sounds similar to my issues before I got my car running. Mine had a push button starter - you'd switch ignition on, hold the button to engage the starter motor, and then let it off once the car was running. I didn't realise that it was wired this way until I looked at the wiring again. Is it possible that you've somehow wired the starter to turn over constantly with power connected? Is there an additional cable coming from around the starter somewhere?
    No mate, I haven't wired in anything extra and it has started perfectly well in the past, it's just suddenly developed this fault!

    As i said, theres the red/black wire going to the positive tab, the positive terminal has a lead directly to the positive terminal on the battery. The Green wire is to the bottom tab (the built-in earth) and i've taken the other earth off that i had on it that ran from the terminal to chassis rail earth.

    DOING MY FREAKING HEAD IN. Now it's not even firing when i put the positive terminal on like before.... *petrol and matches..*
    2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.

  4. #14
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    Given up. Jmac can deal with it ahaha.
    2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    I just re-read what I'd written and it probably doesn't make sense lol, long day sorry. Probably good to get Jimmy onto it. Good luck with sorting it out.
    My Mk1 Project

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