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Thread: And so it begins...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Well its been a while... The rotisserie is 90% complete a few more adjustments need to be made.
    And so it begins...-17760695_1348402295197252_1234185402_n-jpgAnd so it begins...-17792559_1348402281863920_753447390_n-jpg
    Haven't done much to the golf however only recently i have got off my arse and did some work, took both front fenders off and the front and rear bumpers. Doesn't look too bad under the fenders barely any rust. Unfortunately there some bog under the paint of one fender yet to strip the other, paint is really thick about 3 layers and took forever to strip, going to go over the fender again tomorrow, sandblast, body fill and prime.
    And so it begins...-20170404_120539-jpgAnd so it begins...-20170404_165630-jpg

    Plan is to repeat this process to every panel that can come off the car, doors, hatch and the bonnet. Strip, body fill what needs to then prime. Hopefully i can actually get some work done on this thing. After that it will lead into stripping the rest of the car down but im not thinking that far ahead yet.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Awesome work!

  3. #13
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    the picture with the airplane where is it?

    Looks awesome!!!
    2009 Volkswagen R36 Wagon
    1968 Audi F103 75L Coupe
    1966 Volkswagen Beetle Deluxe

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaydEn View Post
    Awesome work!
    Thanks mate its getting there slowly will update when gaurds are primed hopefully a few more days work.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by XXX-1.8T View Post
    the picture with the airplane where is it?

    Looks awesome!!!
    Was in longreach, home of quantas, was pretty cool seeing a massive plane like that in the middle of nowhere!

  6. #16
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    And so it begins...-17886805_1354783754559106_1652027146_o-jpgAnd so it begins...-17887573_1354783717892443_1290863976_o-jpgAnd so it begins...-17858915_1354783644559117_484398224_o-jpg

    Havent done too much the last couple days, finally finished of the body work for the front right fender however its not perfect but at least i know its rust free and has fresh body filler. Still tossing up between a white or red to repaint, most likely going to go with an acrylic lacquer based top coat as its not that toxic and apparently easier to spray compared to 2 pack paints however acrylic isnt as resistant as 2 pack. Probably going to just go with white again as I wont have to re paint the interior.

  7. #17
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    Have not realised it has been 4 months already jesus!!!.

    Not much has been done have been super busy with work and other things going on...
    Have stripped the majority of the interior and started to scrape and sand the disgusting rubber coating one of this cars previous owners have put all over the inside. Have only found a few more rust holes and nothing too major. Defiantly going to make this a 2 door 2 seater golf as having that extra boot space would be handy and just looks better imo. Plans are to pull the running gear soon and subframes to get it on that bloody rotisserie. Until then I'm just going to keep scraping the rubber and sanding. Was thinking of getting either golf or polo GTI seats as well for this thing something a little more comfortable around MK6.

    And so it begins...-20170731_124028-jpg
    And so it begins...-20170731_124044-jpgAnd so it begins...-20170802_161155-jpg

  8. #18
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    And so it begins...-175984544_128184665959520_5457288286581667815_n-jpgAnd so it begins...-176453866_304647091251651_8772306197831875041_n-jpg
    Well its been like 4 years since the last post somehow, crazy how life gets in the way. Not much has changed tbh the golfs still the same as before but we did however manage to fully strip it down and put that rotisserie to work finally! Next step is to organise wet blasting and epoxy primer the whole car so it hopefully wont collect any more surface rust while I take another 4 years to do the body work. We also added to the collection and picked up another 3dr mk1 which is already in pieces its too hard to not try fix the rust before you know it the cars been stripped down as well haha. Anyway thought id update this dead thread and hopefully theres more updates to come this year. (Heres a pic of the new rig)
    And so it begins...-174599667_1537675693290826_5939321582391847931_n-jpg

  9. #19
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    Always good to see one being saved.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Nice, lots still to do!
    MY20 MK7.5 Golf GTI - Tornado Red - LP/S&SP
    MY19 AW Polo - Comfortline - DAP

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