I heard brake fluid does wonders for paint stripping.
Near Brisbane? Anyone know anyone who will be able to do this? or maybe who might have some gear and be willing to share for a carton of piss? Had a look on the net but only found a load of industrial companies who only accept big jobs, tried emailing a few of them but none of them got back to me. pants.
# 76 Mk1 16v In Progress # 2011 6R Polo GTI *Sorely Missed*
I heard brake fluid does wonders for paint stripping.
brake fluid can also stay on the metal and repel new paint
super cheap sell hand held sand blasters for about $40 ish and $15 for a bucket of grit good for smaller jobs
Hume's Bodyworks at Albion is also apparently a very good body shop.
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Cheers I'll check them out. I'll probably end up doing it myself. What's the point in having a mk1 if you don't at least try and do it yourself? Might as well be a new car!
# 76 Mk1 16v In Progress # 2011 6R Polo GTI *Sorely Missed*
angle grinder and a nylon wheel works wonders
The sand blasting sand @ Supercheap is far to fine to strip paint (unless its flaking off).
I ended up doing what Stan did and attacked it with a grinder.
MK2 - *Insert list of dealer purchased extra's/standard features here*
80 series - The MK2's BIG, Sooty, polar opposite...