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Thread: Removing the front carpet in a 93 Cabby?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Carina, Queensland

    Removing the front carpet in a 93 Cabby?

    Hey all, I'm pulling apart my car at the moment to try and diagnose a leak, but I can't seem to get the front carpet out. It seems like I need to remove the center console, but can't quite manage. I've removed all the side clips etc, and its on the verge of coming out, but the center console is being a stubborn little thing. How do I do it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Users Country Flag

    93 Cabby


    I can't really help on removal of the carpet but...i get a damp footwell on the passenger side when its heavy raining - is that the same problem?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby_Wokkerfella View Post
    Hey all, I'm pulling apart my car at the moment to try and diagnose a leak, but I can't seem to get the front carpet out. It seems like I need to remove the center console, but can't quite manage. I've removed all the side clips etc, and its on the verge of coming out, but the center console is being a stubborn little thing. How do I do it?
    Sometimes grommets have fallen out of the bulkhead and this allows water in.

    Just look around the centre console some screw in there somewhere, maybe on the inside edge or around the back of the centre console.
    1993 MK1 CAB ! Work in Progress........


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