Originally Posted by
personally the rat look on a mk 1, just doesn't work, as someone said previously, and i agree with whole heartedly; rat Vdubs are best left to the aircooled fellas, with beetles, transporters and the like, althought some do look stupid; rats need to have 'old' body work (bit of rust) and airbag/really really low susp., add a few extra misc items, and its ratted.
what i do think is cool on a mk 1, and is often confused with 'rat'; is retro. some of the pics on this thread are clearly of retro mk 1's, not rats.
im going to go for the retro look on my mk 1 (when i get it- hopefully tomoro or thurs, ausmk1's 3dr; yay!) so basically;
- chrome bumpers, - chrome mirrors, - steel rims with chrome dress ring (i'd dish if i could afford it, but i cant), - very possibly a roof rack, chromed of course and a - chrome side pinstripe maybe. but you get the idea, chrome! retro is meant to be old fashioned, like from the 70's, 70's cars have alot of chrome, yes i know i wasn't alive then, but its true...
anywho, thats just my personal opinion!