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Thread: Rat & Retro Style Mk1's...

  1. #51
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    why is this thread sticky

    and how as a moderator can i un stick it

    Quote Originally Posted by Preen59 View Post
    I would have gotten wood from the picture message you sent me.. But I was sniffing Nitro, so i already had it. Hahaha.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by dubstarmk2 View Post
    why is this thread sticky

    and how as a moderator can i un stick it
    Mate i didnt make it a sticky so dont ask me... But i hope you dont have any thing against rat/retro... Every one has to love some thing....

    Be nice just for me and keep retro alive...

    Cheers James

    PS No offence to any one who doesnt share the love for rat/retro Mk1's...

  3. #53
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    Some more clean retro style:

  4. #54
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    im digging the chrome P slotters/chrome steelies with white walls look!!!!
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  5. #55
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    i have a rat dub or did i just dont understand why everypage now has to be littered with stickies, a good thread shouldnt need to be stickied, just my 2 cents

    and here is my old rat crap dub

    Quote Originally Posted by Preen59 View Post
    I would have gotten wood from the picture message you sent me.. But I was sniffing Nitro, so i already had it. Hahaha.

  6. #56
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    personally the rat look on a mk 1, just doesn't work, as someone said previously, and i agree with whole heartedly; rat Vdubs are best left to the aircooled fellas, with beetles, transporters and the like, althought some do look stupid; rats need to have 'old' body work (bit of rust) and airbag/really really low susp., add a few extra misc items, and its ratted.

    what i do think is cool on a mk 1, and is often confused with 'rat'; is retro. some of the pics on this thread are clearly of retro mk 1's, not rats.
    im going to go for the retro look on my mk 1 (when i get it- hopefully tomoro or thurs, ausmk1's 3dr; yay!) so basically;
    - chrome bumpers, - chrome mirrors, - steel rims with chrome dress ring (i'd dish if i could afford it, but i cant), - very possibly a roof rack, chromed of course and a - chrome side pinstripe maybe. but you get the idea, chrome! retro is meant to be old fashioned, like from the 70's, 70's cars have alot of chrome, yes i know i wasn't alive then, but its true...

    anywho, thats just my personal opinion!

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  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post
    personally the rat look on a mk 1, just doesn't work, as someone said previously, and i agree with whole heartedly; rat Vdubs are best left to the aircooled fellas, with beetles, transporters and the like, althought some do look stupid; rats need to have 'old' body work (bit of rust) and airbag/really really low susp., add a few extra misc items, and its ratted.

    what i do think is cool on a mk 1, and is often confused with 'rat'; is retro. some of the pics on this thread are clearly of retro mk 1's, not rats.
    im going to go for the retro look on my mk 1 (when i get it- hopefully tomoro or thurs, ausmk1's 3dr; yay!) so basically;
    - chrome bumpers, - chrome mirrors, - steel rims with chrome dress ring (i'd dish if i could afford it, but i cant), - very possibly a roof rack, chromed of course and a - chrome side pinstripe maybe. but you get the idea, chrome! retro is meant to be old fashioned, like from the 70's, 70's cars have alot of chrome, yes i know i wasn't alive then, but its true...

    anywho, thats just my personal opinion!
    Sweet sounds rad... Mate its alrite i know the difference between "rat" and "retro"... What your doing to ausmk1's ol car sounds ace... Good to see some one looking a littel different... You already have the cool looking sun visor... Make sure you do a build up report...

    Dubstarmk2 i love the "low'n'slow" with the primer... Your mk1 will sure llok a bit different when it finished...

    Satanstoenail i love the pics you post keep em coming...

    Pity this isnt sticky any more...

    Cheers James

  8. #58
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    Who needs a bonnet...

    It's rusty and bonnetless... But it's low and driving though!

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by dubstarmk2 View Post
    i have a rat dub or did i just dont understand why everypage now has to be littered with stickies, a good thread shouldnt need to be stickied, just my 2 cents
    I agree. Its now no longer a sticky.
    Lets just keep it for useful things. Diverting and interesting this thread may be, but it is not useful.

    I think the rat look is a bit pointless in Oz as there are so few Mk1s around anyway that people will miss the point and think its a battered old Golf.
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  10. #60
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    Ahhhhh, memories off puttputt floating back a rare species of golf called 'vandiemensraticus' more commonly know as 'Tasrats'

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