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Thread: Pommie Cab Mk1

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    ADR change over time and state laws also move at different speed, you register according to the applicable laws at the build date.
    In Vic I think it was 84 for the second row outer seats to have lap/sash but it was a lot later before it was an ADR, maybe 87. Centre rear wasn't until the 2000's

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    My first car was a 1948 Wolseley. It didn't have seat belts.

    Life was so much simpler then.

    We only had to worry about Typhoid, Polio, Measles, Diphtheria, Hooping Cough, bad teeth, having 5c for the busfare, getting someone pregnant on your 200th date and only having 4 TV channels.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Both my cabriolets 91 and 93 build - both have a third brake light and lap belts.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Hi Stevieboy, sorry to hijack your thread just wondered how you are getting on with your Mk1 I'm looking to emigrate to Victoria / South Aus from UK and wondered what you need to do to get your MK1 road legal? mines a 1992 cabriolet, does it need 3rd brake light (US Spec) and 3 point seat belts I know crazy quif does the seat belt kit? any advice or help would be greatly appreciated?

    Last edited by ibizasantos; 08-12-2015 at 11:49 PM.

  5. #25
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    No to the third brake light.

    Each state has its own laws regarding whats required.

    Best to chat to an engineer in what state you end up in. A friend of mine brought his Cabby GTI over when he moved to QLD, so if you end up there, can most probably help you out.

    Good luck,

  6. #26
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    Before you emigrate, I hope your filling the car with spares.

    I have a stock pile of parts over there still waiting shipping over!!

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Hi mjv79, thanks for the info, yea Ill try to get everything done before I go, I've started replacing the all the seals, got some new front and rear metal scrapers too, I've heard Melbourne has a kind of Mediterranean climate, so hopefully see some sun, Ill probably have the seat belts done in case of passengers, glad I don't need the 3rd brake light I prefer the UK look, I will get as many parts as I can not 100% sure on the shipping process or what I can bring with it, do you have to change your clocks? Mines a black sportline convertible so I have the orange needles, and are the cars over there in KPH and do they record as KPH or miles?

    Last edited by ibizasantos; 09-12-2015 at 10:07 PM.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    When the time comes, Bill at TalkTorque Automotive would be a good choice of Engineer.

    He does a lot of import compliance work and he's long term Golf enthusiast.

    Talk Torque Automotive in Eltham North, VIC - White Pages®
    79 MK1 Golf Wreck to Race / 79 MK1 Golf The Red Thread / 76 MK1 Golf Kamei Race Car
    7? MK1 Caddy
    79 B1 Passat Dasher Project
    12 Amarok

  9. #29
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    My dials are in both Mph with KMH underneath. Like most European cars. No change was required.

    I agree with you regrading the 3rd brake light. Then again it whats you get used too as you grow up. The Cabby in its later form was only sold here from 1990 til 1993. I did read somewhere they only sold around 800 here in that time. apparently they were very expensive. I'm sure a local would know if its that's true though.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Melbourne, Vic

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Jones View Post
    When the time comes, Bill at TalkTorque Automotive would be a good choice of Engineer.

    He does a lot of import compliance work and he's long term Golf enthusiast.

    Talk Torque Automotive in Eltham North, VIC - White PagesÂPommie Cab Mk1
    I second that and he is a nice bloke too!

    1982 Mk1 Golf GTi

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