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Thread: a new edition, cabriolet mk1 gti

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Users Country Flag

    nice looking rig !! good to also see another small-bumpered Cabby on the Forum.

    (looks like you're boot lid has been replaced with a later one or the extra rear brakelight has been 'frenched-in' at some stage??)
    Children(VW) who have left home, among others:1966 VW 1300 Deluxe Bug(Harbour Blue)1966 VW 1300 Steel Sunroof Bug(Ruby Red), 1971 VW 1600 S Bug(White) 1972 VW 25th Ann. Bug(Avocado) 2000 VW Golf Mk IV GTI 3 door(Metallic Black Magic), 1985 VW Golf Mk 1 GLS Cabriolet (Metallic Gun Metal) Current: 1985 Mercedes Benz 280CE Coupe(Midnight Blue)

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth. WA
    strut mounts are pretty well shot, whats the rest of the mechanicals like ??

    Body looks tidy.

    Boot is prob from a later model car by the position of the hi level brake lamp.
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Perth, WA
    will we see this at DOVW?
    The 13 year old Dubber
    has 1967 (split window) Kombi
    wants a euro style MK1
    needs a license

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Newport, NSW.
    Users Country Flag
    Nice looking Cabby...clean and tidy.
    Never seen one with e30 wheels before, also what seats are they?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    perth western australia
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    not to sure what the drivers seat is or where it came from , dubsqaud i think has a better idea ,
    waiting on another drivers seat to arrive from golfloon, adjusted the clutch this morning and will have to adjust the camber on the front wheels too , tho with the camber the way it is ,it drives very nicley , front disks are drilled with mk2 gti calipers , has some sort of cam as well . very lumpy !!
    the springs are blue unsure of what they are ? need to take the wheels off and inspect !!
    All i need to do is put a new gearbox mount in , and a tune up !! will have to take it in to GOLFWAGEN for that , dubsqaud has done a good job to bring it up to how it stands now !!!

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Newport, NSW.
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    Nice..yeh the seats look different to mine, with the framed head rests etc...
    Theres some nice, subtle mods

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    perth western australia
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    Well the golf had a test today !!!
    drove a good 130klm from west perth to wangara ! had to got to golfwagen to get a mk1 jack ,1 then the big drive to lancelin , up the freeway then lancelin road , then it happend

    i heard this buzzing noise and looked at the dash and the oil light come , pulled up checked the oil again , and all fine the the oil temp gauge was sittting on a hundred ? it was 34 degres at the time (out side air temp ) any way kept her going , i think the oil might be a bit thin , so will do a oil change tonight , and when i turned it off i heard this buzzing noise from under the glove box ???? havent investigated this yet , ohh and the temp gauge stopped to hmmmm lol , better go through all this tomorrow .......

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth. WA


    buzzer is prob the dynamic oil pressure unit ( hi rpm). there are 2 oil pressure switches on the engine, one low pressure 0.3 Bar, the other dynamic one is 1.8 bar.

    What it means is the oil pressure is insufficient at high RPM, or a stuffed switch. I would check the oil level, and maybe the viscosity ( change the oil and filter, use the correct grade of oil ) if the switch is ok.

    I use 20W 50 oil. use a Mann or genuine filter, not a ryco.
    Last edited by roccodingo; 24-11-2009 at 11:28 PM.
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Baldivis, WA
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    I think that would just be a terminal that jumped off 1 of the oil pressure switches. I did the same when i drove it back from the previous owner but the oil pressure gauge showed no drop in oil pressure. Got home, and saw that the terminal on the cylinder head pressure switch was off,plugged it in and it was fine after that. Both the oil pressure and water temp switch terminals is on the same harness. Check that out Shane it's just above the timing plug on your gearbox.
    Last edited by dubsquad; 25-11-2009 at 02:13 AM.
    '81 MK1 Golf GTI

    '15 VW Golf R Wolfie

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Canberra, Australia

    Quote Originally Posted by roccodingo View Post
    I use 20W 50 oil.
    Mineral or synthetic?

    MY10 S3 3dr

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