The watercooled section is all about having a chat and looking!
No trophy hunters or trailer queens!
I've bought my entry for the show and shine on Sunday, but my car is nowhere near a "show car".
What's the general standard of entry? I'm not interested in winning anything, but would like to meet and chat to other owners. Is it best with or without the car??
Do many people go? or is more an Air cooled event?
The watercooled section is all about having a chat and looking!
No trophy hunters or trailer queens!
I'll be there with my MK2. Might even wash it just for the show but don't expect any special cleaning underneath or in the engine bay.
Bring your MK1, there's always someone to talk to and it's much better when you have your own car there.
1978 MK1 2.0 16v
1991 MK2 GTI 2.0 8v, white (RIP) and it's red replacement
1997 MK3 CL
2001 & 2002 Bora 4motion.
Cleaning underneath? I'd best take it out in the rain today then... LOL
I'll blow the dust off and bring it down. Is it undercover?
It's undercover.
Here's the link to a few pix I took at last year's show.
MK2's at the Nationals
1978 MK1 2.0 16v
1991 MK2 GTI 2.0 8v, white (RIP) and it's red replacement
1997 MK3 CL
2001 & 2002 Bora 4motion.
Cheers Paul.. It looks good!
I'll definitely be there and my camera of courselooking forward to seeing all those Mk1/mk2 golf's
Damn I wish I could come. Shame my golf is sitting on axle stands and my only drivable car is a Nissan. I'm sure it'll be a hoot for those who are going
77 Mk1 GLS 2 door - That sinking feeling
76 Mk1 Swallowtail 2 door - Replace that BMW & 76 Sweetheart
We made it!
Nice cabrio mate. Hopefully soon we'll have a few guys from ACT doing a road trip to nationals with all our mk1's.
Only The Good Die Young 45
For a better ride, go WIDE!!!
VS Commodore V6 Berlina- FOR SALE
1979 Golf Mk1-