sweet as. how much did th sand plaster set you back if you dont mind me askking?
and 911 seasts!! hot damn!
brought some new toy's
hand held sand blaster and
a stone chip gun
can't see now maybe should have brought safety glass too ! hah
rust isn't too bad so far but will have quite a bit of welding
the worst is above the l/h front door in the gutter
should only need a few couple inch patches (i hope)
want to paint at easter so going to have pull finger out
ooh found new front seats too out of an older 911 pick up next weekend
will get creative and make them fit
sweet as. how much did th sand plaster set you back if you dont mind me askking?
and 911 seasts!! hot damn!
sand baster $165 (didn't like the cheaper ones)
bucket on media stuff $ 15
put it my account so it doesn't hurt as much
that's doesn't sound too bad actually. I was expecting for it to be a bit more...
Sand blasters are reasonably cheap , the expense is in the humongous compressor you need to run them.
I'm a bit of a tool freak
got a 100 liter air comp
all this and no shed
its pretty good for a 30+ year old car
took some pics
and i've been polishing the salt and peper shakers as some one called them
they would be better looking with an inch more lip but i still love em!!
been using meguiars all metal polish much much better than autosol
Oh those pepperpots are sex!
Did the sand blaster gun come with a cabinet?
no its just a gun with bottle on top no cabinet
so much work to do having a 4 day weekend this one coming
so should get a bit done