any updates on this?
Got time to visit the shed so I made this up - easier when you have an original gearbox mount to copy (thanks Andrew), all you need is an original MK1 gearbox mount, 40x5 and 50x5 mild steel flat bar, a grinder and welder, then cut/grind/weld til it looks like this:
Jig I made to build the mount with original mount sitting on it
Next job is to start work on the MK3 Golf to MK1 Golf wiring........
any updates on this?
No updates yet but I will have soon, I've been busy rebuilding what was left of my Mk1 dash and thining down my Mk3 engine wiring loom - stay tuned.
Hi All
It’s been a while between updates so here we go:
Mk3 Seats modded to suit a Mk1 (base needs narrowing for a Mk1), rear Seat in progress (pics of this will follow)
What I’ve been busy on between updates
Close up of a repaired area (one of many!)
Just to give you an idea on what I had to contend with (and this is the good dash)
Just for the record the picture above is a shot of my spare dash to show the cracking common with a Mk1 dash , on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being perfect) I’d rate the spare dash as a 5, the dash I’m currently rebuilding would have been a 1 out of 10.
I guess I could have taken the easy way out and either found a good dash or just paid one of outfits that specialise in Dash rebuilds to do the hard work, but I’m game enough to have a go myself (or I’m too thick to know when to let something be).
The repaired Dash is still a work in progress so I’ll add some more pictures once I’ve finished the job, stay tuned.
For those who may be interested , materials used to date:
Epoxy resin to repair the dash (this is different to normal fibre glass resin as it won’t react with the foam – possible issue with normal fibre glass resin)
Fine grade glass fibre mat (can’t see this in the pictures but it’s there under the filler and on the underside of the dash)
Epoxy resin filler – looks like a very fine powder that’s added to the epoxy resin to make an epoxy type body filler – very strong and acts like an adhesive to “glue” the guts of the dash together.
Standard bog or body filler – used over the top of the epoxy resin.
Various grades of sand paper and bucket loads of elbow grease.
Chris good work on the dash mate!