Dang !!
Nice to see this went to someone who's finishing it.
Gotta estimate of when this will be done ?
So badly wanna see this in the flesh!
Any plans for the motor ?
Would kill just about any jap, commo/falco fuker on the road with the right mods !!
Last edited by KKK VR6; 11-09-2014 at 01:44 PM.
Haha yeah, I'm glad I found this one ! My plans were to do exactly what had already been done to the car so it was just a kick starter for my project. Hoping I'd have it on the road by mid next year, that's just getting it on the road.
Plans on the motor, I don't get my fulls till next year december so I wanna get the most out of it as n/a as I can. I still want to do a lot of mods to the car itself. Better steering/control, hydraulics, brakes, half cage, shave as much as possible from the engine bay, etc etc.
So much to do !