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Thread: My latest addition 1976 2dr

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    2095, Manly
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    **** ****s
    76 Mk1 4DR SOLD
    01 B5.5 Passat Wagon SOLD
    84 Mk1 GTI

  2. #72
    Join Date
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    Braidwood, rural NSW
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    Get in touch with everyone you know who knows about Golfs to keep an eye out for it. The police will have it listed as stolen but it won't be on their priority list.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC
    Post it up on Face Book Erica. Was it stolen from your house?

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
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    Found It was stolen from our house and driven about 3kms away. It drives fine and the only things wrecked were the passenger side door handle and the ignition. No fingerprints could be found but it obviously wasnt driven too hard because I drove it home (and parked it safely in the driveway) and it drove fine. No unusual noises coming from anywhere...

  5. #75
    Join Date
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    Melbourne VIC
    Geeeeeeeeeez that is lucky. Might sound funny but as old cars are so easy to pinch time for the old club lock again!

  6. #76
    Join Date
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    Yeah good idea...might keep it parked behind the transporters for a while and on a downward slope from the road!
    And, Redmk2gti, the alulines were in perfect condition (not one scratch!)

  7. #77
    Join Date
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    Braidwood, rural NSW
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    You don't know how lucky you are AND you got it back with the wheels still on it. I bet your heart is still beating at a million miles per hour!

    Here's my tips for making sure it doesn't wander again.

    If it isn't already fitted with an electric petrol pump go and get one and wire it in with a hidden on/off switch. Best place for a switch is under the drivers seat where it can't be seen but you know where to reach to turn it on. Wire it into the ignition so when the car is turned off the pump also turns off so you don't accidentaly leave it on all night. The car will still start if the pump isn't working but won't run for more than a minute. No thief is going to troubleshoot a stalled car in the middle of traffic.

    Connect a wire to the wire that goes from the dizzy to the coil. Put an on/off switch on the end of your new wire and connect it to an earth or chassis point. When the switch is on there will be no signal to the coil and therefore no spark so the car won't start. Hide the switch somewhere different to the pump switch. It won't deter someone who knows what they are doing but it will stop the joyriders.

    Paint the car some ugly pale yellow colour so no-one in their right mind will want to steal it. No, wait, you live in Tassie so that won't work.



  8. #78
    Join Date
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    I know I am probably the luckiest person in tas atm! So glad it was fine. Seriously couldnt believe it and still cant. They even parked it neatly and managed to get both doors stuck shut so noone else could steal it! Hope they enjoyed my nice comfy seats...which I havent put a picture on here of them. Picked up some Audi beige leather seats (fronts only) off Specip3 which had mk1 bases already welded. Makes such a difference to the ride!
    Good ideas Paul (except the last one haha anything goes in tas!), definitly worth looking into something to keep it safer.

  9. #79
    Join Date
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    Braidwood, rural NSW
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    You've had a tyre slashed, hatch found open and now stolen. Ever thought of painting a target on the side to make it easier to vandalise?

    Where I live I don't even bother to lock my cars.

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne

    lucky you Erica!

    Massive sigh of relief, glad it's pretty ok!

    i like volkswagens
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