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Thread: Mk1's coming and going

  1. #1
    Golfwise Guest

    Mk1's coming and going

    Tassiemk1 's Golf sold to someone in Sydney and Redmk1's Golf sold to member Benaiah in Tassie.
    Happy Trucking new owners.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Prahran, Vic
    wasnt this one ya sold was it???

    please say no

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
    Users Country Flag
    Reckon the Tassie crew got a good car with the Red 2 door swallowtail. I put the motor in that car.

    Gonna look out for Tassies car over here.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  4. #4
    Golfwise Guest
    TassieMk1 not TassieGTi!

  5. #5
    Golfwise Guest

    Now that Tassie mk1 has sold his car I see no reason why we can't get him to change his name as its simarlarity to Tassiegti confuses some.
    And Tassie gti's nice real GTI is never for sale.


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