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Thread: mk1lyf

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeMK1 View Post
    Awesome dude! Haha so good to hear a mk1 being daily'd with no issues. What part of melbs you from? Probs be down the eastie side with Dyl and the rest haha. Damn
    ahah seriously! not the most regular of sights but i'm loving it so far. carb needs a bit of a tune, its been playing up for the past few days...
    but yeah i'm down south-east way, must admit i've done a fair few late night stalks of your previous and current mk1 builds ahaha...


    Quote Originally Posted by Dubstein View Post
    Ah yeah those racks are awesome, i think some people get them fabbed up. I have the 'newer' style ones;

    My car/racks

    I do believe the company that makes these also do a basket that attaches to the racks.
    mk1s looking good buddy! unfortunately not quite what i'm after though! still on the hunt!

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by eltonking View Post
    ahah seriously! not the most regular of sights but i'm loving it so far. carb needs a bit of a tune, its been playing up for the past few days...
    but yeah i'm down south-east way, must admit i've done a fair few late night stalks of your previous and current mk1 builds ahaha...

    Hahah yeah the carbs always need a tune. Would highly recommend a pasat manifold with a 32/36 weber. All you need is a re-build kit and you'll never look back. Only thing is when you take a corner hard the carb surges ahahah. Yeah thanks man, actually had a lot of people compliment me heaps on the two cars. Got a civic atm and the swallowtail is on hold until i settle in the new house. All the best with this, keen for progress.
    - Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
    - Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
    - Brown U.S import 81 cabby
    - 88 Honda crx b18cr

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeMK1 View Post
    Hahah yeah the carbs always need a tune. Would highly recommend a pasat manifold with a 32/36 weber. All you need is a re-build kit and you'll never look back. Only thing is when you take a corner hard the carb surges ahahah. Yeah thanks man, actually had a lot of people compliment me heaps on the two cars. Got a civic atm and the swallowtail is on hold until i settle in the new house. All the best with this, keen for progress.
    already got a passat manifold and not 100% sure what the carb is... its a weber (established that much) has DGR stamped on it and from what i've found its pretty much same same as the DGV/DGAV...

    ...i dunno... but basically its sweet until you hit full throttle and (as the secondary butterfly valve opens) it hesitates and nothing happens and holds back... basically its running lean and we've narrowed it down to the secondary jet being blocked - just haven't had the time to clean it out properly yet! checked the plugs and they're looking pretty white so its looking like its lean...

    anyway i better get on top of this uni assignment due tomorrow...

  4. #24
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    in classic uni-assigment-procrastination style, i thought it would be a great idea to spend the afternoon taking apart, cleaning and rebuilding and tuning the carb.

    a great idea it was as its all running pretty sweet now - only had one little hicup, but a quick phone call later revealed i had indeed forgotten to put the vac hose back on. random whistling/air leak = gone.

    and now, car pulls strong on full throttle as opposed to almost stalling and jerking around everywhere.

    also saw it had 23/24 stamped on it... i'm contemplating changing it over for a 32/36 but that will have to wait until i'm back from NYC.

    few goodies are being picked up whilst O/S and if anyone needs anything from 'merica just give me a shout!

  5. #25
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    Woohoo!! Glad it's running heaps better now.
    isn't it good you have someone so amazing close by haha

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by eltonking View Post
    in classic uni-assigment-procrastination style, i thought it would be a great idea to spend the afternoon taking apart, cleaning and rebuilding and tuning the carb.

    a great idea it was as its all running pretty sweet now - only had one little hicup, but a quick phone call later revealed i had indeed forgotten to put the vac hose back on. random whistling/air leak = gone.

    and now, car pulls strong on full throttle as opposed to almost stalling and jerking around everywhere.

    also saw it had 23/24 stamped on it... i'm contemplating changing it over for a 32/36 but that will have to wait until i'm back from NYC.

    few goodies are being picked up whilst O/S and if anyone needs anything from 'merica just give me a shout!
    32/36 is the trottle plate size, 23/24 is the ventury size, your carb is probably 32/36 at the moment, is it progressive?

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr770 View Post
    32/36 is the trottle plate size, 23/24 is the ventury size, your carb is probably 32/36 at the moment, is it progressive?
    yep its progressive, but after looking at a mate's 28/36 it pales in comparison - mine also has DGR stamped on it...

    its all new to me and i'm trying to soak it all in, any help is appreciated

  8. #28
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    Any updates?

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Water Boy View Post
    Any updates?
    Been super preoccupied with everyone else's cars as of late - literally JUST got home from driving a '64 bug back from ballarat. Also been helping a mate put a new engine in his '72 type 3 square. Updates will be coming thick and fast in the near future! I've been away in NYC for the past month so obviously not much happened and I also came home to a dead battery ahah

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Water Boy View Post
    Any updates?

    So a big thanks to the man himself, Josh Davey for giving me a hand (did the whole thing) to put a new front end on the mk1 as i had a bit of a bingle which resulted in a slightly out of form rad support and a bent guard (hence the new, straight, matt brown pass. guard).
    Also a big thanks to Jarred and Frenchy for coming by too!

    And hannah for the tea.

    Anyway, long story short very happy with the final outcome, dont have any shots of the completed product, but can definitely vouch for josh and his craftsmanship. The mk1 is undergoing a full wire tuck and a semi shaved bay (will post up a few more shots asap), just ordered a new fuel pump so that should be in soon enough and it should be up and running again!

    Also a MASSIVE thank you to Matt (Hiho) as we wouldn't have been able to do this without you sacrificing a halfcut off one of your mk1s, also words cannot describe how much time and effort David French has gone to in helping me out with my persistent daily calls regarding nonsense and vw's over the past... well pretty much forever.

    more to come!

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