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Thread: Mk1 Shaved Bay

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Braidwood, rural NSW
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    You'd need a hydraulic pedal, one that has a built in master cylinder and reservoir.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Melb Westsideeeee
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    Someone mentioned earlier the booster being made internally and to the side, the person who was selling them was Terry from oldskool Vulcan werks in the u.s however it is only for left hand drive and terry told me he won't be making rhd. Regardless I think he went bankrupt or gt in trouble and doesn't make anything anymore I believe.

    This is my option, a wildwood pedal box running just the m/c. A lot of work and mockups, and I still don't know the end result.

    I would say, research and consider which route you want to take, as it's very pricey.
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  3. #23
    Join Date
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    I've probably already posted this earlier in the thread - but this is the route I'm taking - Items then I just need to decide on a remote booster. It's pretty pricey especially if you consider shipping, but I'm actually going to fly to the UK and pick it up when I'm next over, which will bring the price down to about 360 pounds. Not bad considering it's a hydro box too
    2019 132TSI Tiguan
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  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeMK1 View Post
    Someone mentioned earlier the booster being made internally and to the side, the person who was selling them was Terry from oldskool Vulcan werks in the u.s however it is only for left hand drive and terry told me he won't be making rhd. Regardless I think he went bankrupt or gt in trouble and doesn't make anything anymore I believe.

    This is my option, a wildwood pedal box running just the m/c. A lot of work and mockups, and I still don't know the end result.

    I would say, research and consider which route you want to take, as it's very pricey.
    Nice job, make sure you fit the steering up completly when i did my wilwwod setup the clutch pedal hit the steering arm near the firewall had the move it abit to get right

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Here is a couple pix of my setup, my pedal box is not mounted to the firewall at all. This was done becasue when you dont run a booster you have to apply alot!!! of brake pressure the harder you push the quicker you stop, therefore causeing damge to your freshly painted firewall. Beware this setup is not for everyone it looks cool and works, but you have to be midfull at all times when you go to stop hit the pedal hard.

    The pedal box is mounted to a cross bar inside the car with supports to the lower/floor in the centre of the car it has been passed by an engineer and has little to no flex.

    Mk1 Shaved Bay-image3-jpg

    Mk1 Shaved Bay-02122011322-jpg

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