I also have one in the for sale if you want...
Located in Boronia
Got you covered. $100 takes the prize home!
- Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
- Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
- Brown U.S import 81 cabby
- 88 Honda crx b18cr
I also have one in the for sale if you want...
Located in Boronia
Cool car.! like the colour!
Hate it when she gives me this look everymorning i leave for work haha
Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
You've got an awesome garage!
- Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
- Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
- Brown U.S import 81 cabby
- 88 Honda crx b18cr
Keen on seeing this marc! Looks awesome!
Mk1 Gti 81 2Dr
Mk2 Gti 88 2Dr
Mk4 R32 04
I think you now know why I am envious of it