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Thread: Mk1 Golf for Sh*tbox rally.. v2

  1. #1

    Mk1 Golf for Sh*tbox rally.. v2

    So out of total coincidence it looks like there are 2 teams on here with similar ideas.. So here is our story..

    We have done the SBR for 2 years now, previous cars have been a 89 Pajero and a '01 VX commodore with custom dual snorkels..
    This year we decided to go something a bit more fun and well genuinely ****ter, so we picked up a '79 MK1 4 door Golf.
    It has the 1.6l Carby.
    Came with a few spares, but also has a few issues which ill mention in my next post. Have not decided on a paint job yet, but it will be something marvelous i'm sure..

    Team name - Bad Panda

    So without further adieu, some pics of both the last years cars and out golf.

    Mk1 Golf for Sh*tbox rally.. v2-20141101_154250-jpgMk1 Golf for Sh*tbox rally.. v2-20141101_154318-jpgMk1 Golf for Sh*tbox rally.. v2-20141101_154300-jpgMk1 Golf for Sh*tbox rally.. v2-10257285_10152607012867228_7770133258932863071_n-1-jpgMk1 Golf for Sh*tbox rally.. v2-10421375_10152607021572228_4308171343917928155_n-jpgMk1 Golf for Sh*tbox rally.. v2-10346371_10152607032327228_8218093037723355456_n-jpgMk1 Golf for Sh*tbox rally.. v2-294882_10151705084717228_62803528_n-jpgMk1 Golf for Sh*tbox rally.. v2-922649_10151705080317228_1971914037_o-jpgMk1 Golf for Sh*tbox rally.. v2-972349_10151705117227228_699273935_n-jpg
    Last edited by frog_a_lot; 25-11-2014 at 06:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Braidwood, rural NSW
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    Congrats on getting the Golf, looks to be in reasonable condition.

    I don't envy you taking it on those roads (and rivers) but it does look like you'll have some fun. Keep us posted.



  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by sports racer View Post
    Congrats on getting the Golf, looks to be in reasonable condition.

    I don't envy you taking it on those roads (and rivers) but it does look like you'll have some fun. Keep us posted.



    Does have a few issues though.. firstly the brakes are rooted..
    What is the best place to get new front rotors and pads? What sort of price do they go for?

    If you put your foot hard on the throttle it will basically cut out, slow/medium acceleration is fine, but if you jam the throttle then nothing happens and engine tries to die.. Have been advised it is a vacuum leak, but tried spraying stuff into engine bay and couldny find any leaks.. maybe the carby isnt mounted properly?

  4. #4
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    Try ebay for the cheapest rotors and pads or you could ask here if anyone has some reasonable ones they would like to donate. Normal upgrade to MK1 brakes is to fit ventilated disks and rotors off a GTI so most MK1 owners have the standard parts rusting away somewhere.

    It sounds like you've got an air leak somewhere between the carby and engine. When you accelerate quickly the engine is sucking air in from somewhere other than the carby and therefore leaning out the mixture (not enough petrol). Check that the manifold is on tight and the carby is solid on the manifold. Next, try all the hoses attached to the carby and manifold to see if any of them are leaking. Takes a bit of time but you should find the leak eventually.

  5. #5
    Cheers.. ill have a look and check..

    Forgot to mention.. our team name is "Bad Panda" if anyone cares to donate or add us on Facebook and follow the adventure

  6. #6
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    *Waves* Hai fellow $hitboxer!

    We're going to try and R&D some way to lift ours no more than 50mm in the suspension, if you want in, we can do 2 sets when we get there, probably going to do a spacer for the front struts, and either a shock/spring upgrade for the rear or an adapter for the lower shock mount.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack_It View Post
    *Waves* Hai fellow $hitboxer!

    We're going to try and R&D some way to lift ours no more than 50mm in the suspension, if you want in, we can do 2 sets when we get there, probably going to do a spacer for the front struts, and either a shock/spring upgrade for the rear or an adapter for the lower shock mount.
    Definitely interested, obviously will depend on costs.

    Have you thought about a bash plate to go under the engine bay? There is really nothing to stop things getting thown up into the engine bay on ours.

  8. #8
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    Watching with interest, would love to feature the story on our blog when you are done if either of you are game.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by frog_a_lot View Post
    Definitely interested, obviously will depend on costs.

    Have you thought about a bash plate to go under the engine bay? There is really nothing to stop things getting thown up into the engine bay on ours.
    Costs will be kept to minimum, luckily I have a mate who works at a steel supply mob, and another of my mates dad's is a truck body welder and is keen to help out too... I whipped the front struts out yesterday and a 4x4 style strut mount lift plate will be the go in there, so some turned alloy with a few bolts. I'll also chat to Preeny who might have access to the gear to help us fab up stuff like that.

    Bash plate and a slightly heavier front bar are on the cards for the new year, it'll be just as easy to make 2, as it will be to make 1!

  10. #10

    Awesome.. well definitely keep me in the loop.. ill be away over xmas so wont be touching car till mid January ..

    Just also found out that they arent keen to pink slip it with the current rust.. so might need to get the good old grinder out

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