you said it Jarred!!!
I am impressed Mart! you are really transforming this baby. Keep up the great work fella
That's dedication! Congrats on takling it. Seems you know your way around a welder!
Great to see the parts from the scrapped GTI being reused Martin. Looks like you have some decent weld & bodywork skills.
Must say thanks for putting up the images showing what is exactly inside the A pillar, Most folk would just bog over the rust leaving the rotted material underneath for the "next " owner to deal with.
Can any of the moderators make a sticky of the A pillar repair pics please. Good info for all the inexperienced around here...
Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...
If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??
Thanks! I’d like to come back over to Perth as long as I don’t have to fit any aftermarket fenders, I’ve heard there’re a nightmare to get right. My fenders are rusted at the bottom where they join the sills. I plan to locally replace the rusted out section with some good steel from another pair of fenders I have that damaged at the front edge.
Thanks Jarred, I’ve seen a lot worse, floors and sills are great, although it could have gone horribly wrong when I removed the roof. Luckily it didn’t.
Thanks Gareth! It’s getting there slowly, I hope to get it stripped down to a bare shell, completely painted in epoxy by the end of the summer.
Thanks Grant! Your panels have worked a treat. I don’t have bodywork skills just learning on the job to be honest. I have rebuilt a couple of minis with my Dad, however my Dad done most of the technical stuff and made it happen!
PS: can any of the moderators move this thread to the restoration section, thanks.
Last edited by Drysponge; 15-10-2012 at 11:59 AM.
I have my old Right hand side fender that has no rust on if you send me a pic i will cut wht you need off and post to you?
The work you have done is spot on Mart, i really like the attention to detail like sorting the insides of the A-pillar and using the bonnet and hatch as reference points for setting the "shut gaps". Keep it up and you'll have a top motor!
Welding looks good, are you "stitch welding" the new panels to old?
Are you going to paint it?
Thanks Ewen, I’ll PM you
Thanks Greg, I’m chipping away at it slowly. I assume stich welding being doing laying the welds down in small sections separated apart then yes. It seems to work well with keeping the heat down and preventing warping. I will be painting it at home probably in acrylic, I’ll think I’ll keep to the same retro colour mars red.
MAGIC - beautiful work
Beige 79 Mk1 GLD White 76 Mk1 LS 3 door
White 68 Alfa 1750 Berlina Champagne 91 Alfa 75
Red 09 9N3 Polo TDI White 2010 Skoda Octavia Combi TDI
Small update, as the main welding jobs are done I decided to build a rotisserie so I can get full access to the underneath for cleaning and paint prep.
It was a massive time consuming job and I would advise anyone to just buy one off ebay.
Either way it works and I’ve managed to clean the whole underside (horrible job) ready for paint prep.
The body is now temporarily upright where I’m just finishing off the inner arches and engine bay.
Next jobs include some minor rust repairs around the front sills and cleaning the entire body ready for epoxy. I plan to stonechip the underneath then paint underside, inner arches and engine bay in the original Mars red.
PS: Anyone know why there are so many ventilation pipes associated with the petrol tank? The one on the RHS inner arch is it required? The whole venation system seems to be completely over the top and only acts as a rust trap. I’d like to hear what you guys have done with them? Thanks!
PPS: That's my son not me
Last edited by Drysponge; 27-01-2013 at 10:16 AM.
good work!
Curious as to what you used to strip the underbody sealant?