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Thread: MK1 Golf Interior

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Queanbeyan NSW

    I have a couple of cracked dashes you can have for free. You might be able to do something with them . I can take some pics if you are interested. Also a reallly bad rear seat - from a swallowtail from my original swallowtail.

  2. #32
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    Thanks Graeme I've decided to go for a wooden deck in the rear. I've got some cool ideas brewing with this baby.

    Just finished gluing all my self designed trim.

    Who thinks it's good and who thinks it's bad? Honest opinion. Mine? I f***ing love it!!

    .:R32 MK5 3DR Manual
    MK1 Golf (Swallowtail) 3DR Manual

  3. #33
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    Using wood for the rear deck

    If you get rearended the wood is a great medium for slicing into bodies. I suggest you use thick cardboard and also drill lots of large holes in it like what VW did with the original rear deck to help it deform on impact.


    Last edited by sports racer; 15-09-2016 at 01:03 PM.

  4. #34
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    Well actually it's sectioned lightweight bamboo. My father actually pointed out what would happen if we had a collusion so instead of just single rows they're sectioned into 2-3 pieces so it'll seperate if something was to happen.

    But thanks it's always good to see someone else looking at the safety side instead of just looks! I know I usually don't haha! :3

    .:R32 MK5 3DR Manual
    MK1 Golf (Swallowtail) 3DR Manual

  5. #35
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    What about splinters?

    But you're right, sectioned bamboo should be acceptable.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by sports racer View Post
    What about splinters?

    But you're right, sectioned bamboo should be acceptable.

    .:R32 MK5 3DR Manual
    MK1 Golf (Swallowtail) 3DR Manual

  7. #37
    Ok... really really stupid question......

    Don't flame me please...

    What is a swallowtail? It looks like a Golf....

    As far as the dashboard goes, I've taken dashboards in poor condition and had them covered in leather before. It's usually not too expensive.

    I am going to South Africa (my freind owns a shipping company and has some empty containers.) I've often wondered if it's worth while in taking apart some of those CitiGolfs. It would be nice to have a fairly modern interior. I have a place to work and all the tools I need there. Now that I'm not working, I thought it would be a fun trip. A junkyard in a foreign land. How much fun would that be?!?!?

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thomasfranklinfranklin View Post
    Ok... really really stupid question......

    What is a swallowtail? It looks like a Golf....

    It's just some subtle difference in rear panel and bonnet, and it's the earliest batch of Mk1 Golf.
    Personally I do not see it's any special.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thomasfranklinfranklin View Post
    my freind owns a shipping company and has some empty containers.
    Sorry to hijack this thread.

    The CiTi Golf was built up until 2009 and there's a strong support infrastructure in South Africa which makes it an ideal place to source parts. The parts are cheap but shipping is expensive so if you know someone who can ship cheaply make sure you look after them!

    Can you let me know if you've got any space for more parts? I've got a friend who came from SA and knows a lot of the guys still there who like to race their MK1's.

  10. #40
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    Hey guys, done a fair bit of work in the car as of lately. Still trying to decide what direction I'm going in exactly but I've finally decided 100% on the colour and has already been painted. Came out a lot better than expected if I do say so myself!

    .:R32 MK5 3DR Manual
    MK1 Golf (Swallowtail) 3DR Manual

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