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Thread: Mk1 cant take the heat.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Mk1 cant take the heat.

    Its to damn hot for my mk1...and its not even that hot yet!

    Its not bad enough that i have to use a socket wrench to wind down the windows, i cant use the sterio becuase the amps get to hot, you can have a bbq using the wood grain steering wheel and due to the lack of insulation it gets to about a million degress when sitting in trafic but it strugles almost all the time and sometimes even stalls in an AUTO!

    Was anything changed on mk1s to help them cope with Australian weather? I know my mk2 had no problems in 45+ weather.

    My main concern is the water temp, its above 3/4 even when driving and the water levels are right.

    Would a mk2 radiator fit and keep things cooler?

    Feel free to offer adives and share your experiences with mk1s in hot weather.
    MK1 GLS 3door
    A4 B7 2.0T

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Nowra, NSW
    Is your thermo kicking in? if not that will be your biggest problem.

    I've never had a problem running them in the heat.

    Maybe you need a good flush out and check over your cooling system, something sounds wrong.
    76 MkI 3 door - daily drive/project - 1.8 5speed
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by static1800 View Post
    Is your thermo kicking in? if not that will be your biggest problem.

    I've never had a problem running them in the heat.

    Maybe you need a good flush out and check over your cooling system, something sounds wrong.
    Yeah i was planning to give that a go. The thermo is working.
    MK1 GLS 3door
    A4 B7 2.0T

  4. #4
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    At what temp does it start? like where on the gauge.

    I would pull the radiator out and check it and give it a good clean out and flush the system of coolant and put some new fresh stuff in.

    Another thing to check is your thermostat, to see it is opening when it should be. It may not be opening correctly or way to late and the engine is getting hot as a result.
    76 MkI 3 door - daily drive/project - 1.8 5speed
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  5. #5
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    I run MK2 radiators in both of mine. You can see how it's done at DOVW.

    The shrouding is important in traffic too, replace it if it's missing.

    The car MUST have a thermostat, some people remove them completely mistakingly thinking that it will make the car run cooler. It doesn't.

    Check the fan is working as mentioned of course.

    79 MK1 Golf Wreck to Race / 79 MK1 Golf The Red Thread / 76 MK1 Golf Kamei Race Car
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  6. #6
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    never had any bad experience with mine. I've had a couple nervous moments with old yellow back in the middle of summer in the city, and in traffic, had the thermo running constantly practically! runs rough when it was reall hot, but never had any problems with it

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  7. #7
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    mine has hit its peak today but only got to half in city traffic, i hope thats as bad as it gets. the mk2 radiator sounds like a good idea pete. can u get twin thermos that fit the mk1 radiator??

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by static1800 View Post
    At what temp does it start? like where on the gauge.

    I would pull the radiator out and check it and give it a good clean out and flush the system of coolant and put some new fresh stuff in.

    Another thing to check is your thermostat, to see it is opening when it should be. It may not be opening correctly or way to late and the engine is getting hot as a result.

    The fan comes on at about half way up the temp gauge. It works normaly. Comes on when i come home and turn off the car etc etc.
    MK1 GLS 3door
    A4 B7 2.0T

  9. #9
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    i never had any probs with any of my mk1's in the heat... a good radiator flush, nice clean coolant, working thermostat and fan, and i guess make sure the water pump is ok... i had the water pump on my mk3 fail, butnever on a mk1 (same pump though). only had leaky mk1 pumps.

    years on internal corrosion could feasibly block up passages.... but i dunno if thats likely.
    '07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
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  10. #10
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    It was 37 degrees here today and mine was fine. It's always been fine except for once on a really hot day after over an hour at 110km/h including a hilly bit. That was before I had some heater core hoses replaced and now it runs cooler (though I've not driven that road since).

    Oh, and the radiator is non-stock, but I'm not sure how it differs from the original.

    I sympathise with the hot interior though, even with the windows down. My next car is going to have air cond!!!!!!
    '76 Mk1 Golf - Gone!
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