Hi Guys,
Im a mk1 fan, dont own one but admire alot of the ones on this forum! Now that my sis is on the verge of getting her license she wont be driving my car or my dads so another car is needed despite mum saying share.
Sure another BMW would be suited but sister wants a convertible and there are only limited models in those that are generally pricey.
Ive suggested a VW cabriolet, but dont have much idea what they are like and am interested in hearing peoples views or experiences on them. First impression is that they would be a fun little car for a 16yr old girl and her friends to cruise around in.
What im wondering is are there anythings that really let these cars down? Do they run the same 1.8lt engine as the gti's or is it different, if so how?
Spose its a personal oppinion but do they lend them sell to being customised as much as 3 door mk1s?
Any help, even pictures of cabs to admire is much appreciated!