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Thread: Mission for the MK1

  1. #71
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    Oh wow, amazing work. Massive props to you ! We're those patches you welded in the guards pre made or did you make them your self?? That's the same place I repaired mine, but if you could hit me up for the other side that would be great. As for the floors in mine , do you suggest me welding in just flat plate steel? I don't think I can get my hands on a proper floor pan.

    Sent from my HTC_PN071
    Its the little things..

  2. #72
    Join Date
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    Perth. WA
    All the repair sections came from the donor car. I cut the required areas from the donor, trim a bit closer then get them dipped clean.

    The floor was trial fitted many times as we cut the lower bulkhead to incorporate the 4 bolt steering rack mounts from the 77 and later Mk1's as opposed to the earlier 3 bolt design. This was 2 pack primered before fitting into the body the last time.

    You can make the repair sections yourself if you have the necessary skills. its not that difficult ( look at tech college adult ed classes )
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  3. #73
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    Got you bruh

    Mental work going on here. Take your time and make sure it's done right! killing it

  4. #74
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    Its been awhile but I've been searching for jobs and haven't had to much money to throw at the car. None the less, she definitely gets some sort of treatment at least once a day I'm glad to say that i think im now content on how the car is coming along, finally seeing some real progress. Amazing how much work has been done when a coat of primer goes on.. Anyway less words here are some pictures.

    Also i have had word, most of my spare parts from up North should be down here mid October so keep an eye on my for sale thread if anyones interested
    Its the little things..

  5. #75
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    So i guess i can safely say the 2 front wings are finally finished! Still have a little to do on the inside firewall than onto the floors! Will have heaps of motivation when the floors are back in and most of the cabin is primed.

    Its the little things..

  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dubstein View Post

    That single picture tells a story that no words can describe. Love it!

  7. #77
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    Glad you like it haha!

    Most of my parts should be down around the 15th. Keen to finally get rid of my tractor spec height and chuck the coilovers in.

    Where does everyone buy there carpet from? I did have a list bookmarked for a set on ebay for $90 but i messaged them and they don't make it for mk1 anymore. Found another company but they want almost triple that..
    Its the little things..

  8. #78
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    After spending the weekend crawling around under the $hibox, I realise how lucky we are to have one with little to no substantial rust...

    This is a mammoth effort.

    Have you tried All Car Carpets? or TST & Knox

    if that tractor spec suspension isn't going to a better home, give me a yell, I'd like some spares to cut up for the rally.
    Last edited by Jack_It; 01-10-2014 at 10:59 PM.

  9. #79
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    Cheers for the links, the ebay guys did recommend the guys at Knox. Ill give TST a call tomorrow they look promising and alot cheaper too! With the suspension, ill donate you a set for the rally Know anyone in Brisbane area to pickup em? Otherwise ill ship em down when i get a job hahah

    As for rust.. yes i honestly didn't see that much when i bought it. I guess i was to occupied on finally finding a 2door for so cheap. Plus i was leaving on holiday the next week and needed to make a quick decision haha Glad its all starting to take shape now, im quite proud to be honest
    Its the little things..

  10. #80
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    I just bought a carpet from Newton Commercial. Top quality and made in the UK. However, on the higher end pricing wise...
    You're welcome to buy my old red one if you want its about 1 year old and I am only changing because I want black carpet

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