Google autocavan super brake linkage, a version was also used on the later citi golf's in SA. The autocavan version was made in the 80s and come up eBay UK from time to time, usually go for £200+. I read several posts stating they don't make a lot of difference. Crazyquiffs have had on their website, for a while now that they are producing a version, also a few threads were people have thought about making them but safety /legal implications have put them off. Not being negative as I would love to make my brakes better, 9 inch booster and 22mm MC should suffice for the road.
Ah i see. Im to overly fussed on what it looks like in the engine bay, as for pedal feel im just going to have to wait and see how i like my current setup.. Not sure if its worth spending that much just for a slightly better feel. I will be running new rear drums/pads/cylinders, new front pads and vented discs plus the booster/mc upgrade for now. Will look into bigger calipers when i get a feel for the car, it might be enough as its just going to be a daily. I do remember the brakes on my 4door being pretty average.
I'll see if I can find a picture. It's something simple to build yourself as long as you know what you're doing.
It's a hollow bar running left/right across the firewall with an arm sticking out each end at 90 degrees to the bar. One arm connects directly to the brake pedal, the other one at the other end of the bar connects to the master cylinder. Because the arms are welded on there is no play in the bar unlike the standard setup which has multiple pivots and linkages, all of which add extra movement.
All my parts are now at my house! I have a thread in the for sale section, link here.
Got brakes, coilovers and more goodies to be replaced on the 2 door tomorrow, keen!
Aw yeah, would be to hard to custom make that at all.
Suspension and brake makeover. Cleaned up control arms, hubs and calipers. Everything got a good paint, these calipers were off my 4 door that had new pads and new discs. All the bushings looked pretty good and cv boots look newish. I need a new a new drivers side tie rod end or boot and both steering rack boots. Coilovers are also in and its sitting relatively nice, alot more playing around with heights once all wheels are back on the ground. For some reason these wheels have grown on me, just need smaller tires. Anyone selling or know a local place that has braided/stainless brake lines? mine are almost fallen to bits.
Sorry about phone pics, i have no idea why it goes purple in the dark. Friend took my dslr to WTAC.
Looks the goods! Let us know how you find the mk3 booster with standard brakes. I've just switched mine and it feels way wayyyy different. Almost like you're not pushing the peddle at all. What size are the wheel and tyre combo?
Why different in a good way? The the rims are 14x6 on 185/60 unsure of offset, would be pretty high though.
Like soft. Almost spongy. Hopefully I get used to them
Better picture of how it sits now, rear drums where replaced along with shoes and wheel cylinders/bearings. This is almost as low as the coilovers will go, another 15mm or so. New rims (smaller tires) are definitely still on the list too! Also put on bonnet struts on. It actually sits alot lower than the picture looks, bonnet is almost at knee height. Im pretty happy how it sits but new wheels will decide to more or less. Hopefully less its still way above the legal limit haha