crazy camber!!!!!
Nah, not baller enough.
Yea, I thought when I did the shocks that I reinstalled the camber at a more reasonable setting! obviously not! Hopefully I'll put it up on stands tomorrow & check it all out, (make sure everythings's still done up!) and maybe fix that camber too
Im liking it!! looks to be in pretty good shape considering its a mark 1.
Small bumpers i say!! It'll look the business with small bumpers IMO
- Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
- Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
- Brown U.S import 81 cabby
- 88 Honda crx b18cr
received a special package today.
all being well, DOVW will be the reveal of one cool cabby!
Well, I was hoping to get everything all done for DOVW, but unfortunately due to some shipping issues, not all the pieces of the puzzle arrived in time. Can't wait till exams are done to get stuck into this, and the mk 2.
teaser, for those that' don't already know
Wtf happens with that big hole?
guessing a extra long studs goes through rim and through that big ass hole and into hub??
<space for rent>
yea pretty much. cause of the combo of the stud patterns, the adapter is a bit tricky