Try this guy...
About to replace some parts on the Mk1 and not sure where to start.
Need the following
Dizzy Cap
Rotor button
Condenser (think thats what it is)
Not sure what brands sell these.
Any help on where to source these (online would be handy, bit out from the closest super cheap ect)
Part numbers ect
<space for rent>
Try this guy...
My bank account is going to hate me :O
<space for rent>
Got my leads and dizzy cap and rotor button off Golf Loon today
Leads are the ones with metal shields near plugs.
Cap i got with them doesnt fit on dizzy. seems the base is too long and it wont seat on dizzy.
Is there more then 1 type of Cap?
<space for rent>
059 998 051 b - dizzy contacts if you ever need them.